
Treason - U2


"Treason" es una canción interpretada por U2, publicada en el álbum How to Re-Assemble an Atomic Bomb

Fecha de lanzamiento: . 

Lyrics Treason - U2

You come to me when your voice is a whisper

Come to me on the corner of a breeze

You come to me because you cannot have her

You come to me only when you're on your knees

I was naked and you clothed me (Clothed me)

A slave and you stole me (Stole me)

From the ones that couldn't hold me (Hold me)

Who took our freedom away

I was empty and you filled me (Filled me)

Made a friend of my enemy

I was an idiot, but you could see

Things I couldn't see

If you love life and you give love

There's nothing you'll be needing

But if you have love and don't give love

This is treason

You come to me when the waves are crashing

You come to me on the swell of the sea

You come to me when lightning is flashing

In the static electricity

I was the sun and the rain to you

The one who gave a new name to you

I was a vision that came to you

That you can't even see

You were jumping,now you're landing (Landing)

You were kneeling, now you're standing (Standing)

I'm not a child to abandon (Abandon)

So don't abandon me

If you love life and you give love

There's nothing you'll be needing

But if you have love and don't give love

This is treason

Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh

Has your heart stopped the beating?

Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh

This is treason

Shout 'em out, catch us in a mansion in the open air

I don't wanna make you, wanna rush you, no way, now

Take it all I'm running also wanna see you there

You wanna fake it, never dance, soul, mashup

Who'd you want it, love, hard to get

I want me a better silhouette

Kool-Aid, we're sipping in the coal mine

Mine my soul, you're living off gold

Slipping in my mind, the soul of it

You wanna drill it in Alaska-ka-ka

You want a cupcake, say "I don't know"

You're feeling walls are like balsa wood

Game show, shake your finger

Day-Glo, she's a ringer

Feed my, my, my, my, my soul

World in a fever, she got the glow

If you love life and you give love

There's nothing you'll be needing

But if you have love and don't give love

This is treason

Oh, oh, oh

This is treason

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Treason lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de U2

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Come all you stars fallen out of the sky // Come all you angels forgetting to fly // Come all who feel we're not on our own // All U // F //
Don't believe what you hear // Don't believe what you see // If you just close your eyes // You can feel the enemy // When I first met you, girl //
Mysterious Ways
Johnny, take a walk with your sister the moon // Let her pale light in to fill up your room // You've been living underground, eating from a can // You've been running away from what you don't understand, love // She's slippy, you're sliding down //
Love Is Blindness
Love is blindness, I don't wanna see // Won't you wrap the night around me? // Oh, my heart // Love is blindness // In a parked car in a crowded street //
Is it getting better // Or do you feel the same? // Will it make it easier on you // Now you got someone to blame? // You say one love, one life //

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