"Picture Of You (X+W)" es una canción interpretada por U2, publicada en el álbum How to Re-Assemble an Atomic Bomb.
Fecha de lanzamiento: 26 de septiembre del año 2024.
Lyrics Picture Of You (X+W) - U2
Lo sentimos, en este momento no contamos con la letra de la canción Picture Of You (X+W) de U2. Te animamos a volver a LETRASBOOM.COM, donde trabajamos constantemente para ofrecerte las letras más actualizadas de las canciones más populares del momento.
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Comenta sobre Picture Of You (X+W)
Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de U2
Come all you stars fallen out of the sky // Come all you angels forgetting to fly // Come all who feel we're not on our own // All U // F //
Don't believe what you hear // Don't believe what you see // If you just close your eyes // You can feel the enemy // When I first met you, girl //
Johnny, take a walk with your sister the moon // Let her pale light in to fill up your room // You've been living underground, eating from a can // You've been running away from what you don't understand, love // She's slippy, you're sliding down //
Love is blindness, I don't wanna see // Won't you wrap the night around me? // Oh, my heart // Love is blindness // In a parked car in a crowded street //
Is it getting better // Or do you feel the same? // Will it make it easier on you // Now you got someone to blame? // You say one love, one life //
Explora todas las letras de las canciones de U2