Lyrics I Don’t Wanna See You Smile - U2
Gravity its not pulling me
I won't be a picture with no sound
Decaying, I'm praying
You are my abbot
I need the ground to kneel upon
And love can be a song
I don't want to see you smile
I'm breaking it, taking it
I'm breaking it slowly in my mind
I'm seeing it, freeing it
I know love is in the soul of mine
It's not in your eyes
I don't want
I don't want to see you smile
I started, light-hearted
It won't be easy like you said
I'm going, flowing
I'm leaving on the day of the dead
I will live again, you will live again
I don't want to see you smile
God knows it, knows me
Knows me, knows me
You sing
Hear me love
Say it again
Going out blind
The smoke machine is yours not mine
I don't want to see you smile
I will live again
You will live again
I just don't want to see you smile
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