
Country Mile - U2


"Country Mile" es una canción interpretada por U2, publicada en el álbum How to Re-Assemble an Atomic Bomb

Fecha de lanzamiento: 26 de septiembre del año 2024. 

Lyrics Country Mile - U2

I, oh I believe you

I, oh I

I, oh I beseech you

Walk with me

Along this country mile


Is never certain

But for the fact our

Hearts are hurting

The trees are weeping

The moon's not sleeping

Nothing we carried

That's worth keeping

There's not much light on

Our side of the road

So we walk as if our eyes are closed

Walk as if our eyes are closed

I, oh I believe you

I, oh I

I, oh I beseech you

Walk with me

Along this country mile

Is it the wide or narrow

The big or little things

That keep you company

As the summer sings

No use complaining

The key was under the mat

And if it's raining

You should have thought of that

Of course, you should have thought of that

I, oh I believe you

I, oh I

I, oh I beseech you

Walk with me

Along this country mile

I, I, I, I believe you

When you say I

I'm gonna get there

But not unless you help me

Surrender what is lost and found

Silence in the place of sound

To free when you run aground

Open up your darkest forest

Don't leave me where I can't be honest

Breaking up the ice when I go numb

Help you make me hold on so long

Until my race is run

I, oh I believe you

I, oh I

I, oh I beseech you

Walk with me

Along this country mile

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Country Mile lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de U2

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Come all you stars fallen out of the sky // Come all you angels forgetting to fly // Come all who feel we're not on our own // All U // F //
Don't believe what you hear // Don't believe what you see // If you just close your eyes // You can feel the enemy // When I first met you, girl //
Mysterious Ways
Johnny, take a walk with your sister the moon // Let her pale light in to fill up your room // You've been living underground, eating from a can // You've been running away from what you don't understand, love // She's slippy, you're sliding down //
Love Is Blindness
Love is blindness, I don't wanna see // Won't you wrap the night around me? // Oh, my heart // Love is blindness // In a parked car in a crowded street //
Is it getting better // Or do you feel the same? // Will it make it easier on you // Now you got someone to blame? // You say one love, one life //

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Country Mile

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Country Mile' de U2, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de U2!