
So Far Away - Avenged Sevenfold


"So Far Away" es una canción interpretada por Avenged Sevenfold, publicada en el álbum Nightmare

Fecha de lanzamiento: 27 de julio del año 2010. 

Lyrics So Far Away - Avenged Sevenfold

Never feared for anything

Never shamed, but never free

A life that healed the broken heart with all that it could

Lived a life so endlessly

Saw beyond what others see

I tried to heal your broken heart with all that I could

Will you stay?

Will you stay away forever?

How do I live without the ones I love?

Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned

Place and time always on my mind

I have so much to say, but you're so far away

Plans of what our futures hold

Foolish lies of growin' old

It seems we're so invincible, the truth is so cold

A final song, a last request

A perfect chapter laid to rest

Now and then, I try to find a place in my mind

Where you can stay

You can stay awake forever

How do I live without the ones I love?

Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned

Place and time always on my mind

I have so much to say, but you're so far away

Sleep tight, I'm not afraid (Not afraid)

The ones that we love are here with me

Lay away a place for me (Place for me)

'Cause as soon as I'm done, I'll be on my way (On my way)

To live eternally

How do I live without the ones I love?

Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned

Place and time always on my mind

And the light you left remains, but it's so hard to stay

When I have so much to say, and you're so far away

I love you, you were ready

The pain is strong, and urges rise

But I'll see you when He lets me

Your pain is gone, your hands untied

So far away

And I need you to know

So far away

And I need you to, need you to know

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
So Far Away lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Avenged Sevenfold

Game Over
Open, blurry, nurture, loving // Crawling, walking, fleeting, glory // Welcome, brother, stranger, bloody // Ally, teacher, recess, buddy // Secret, toothless, fairy, pillow //
We Love You
There you are, you've come so far // Sunny days, the air tastes so sweet // Flowers greet // Birds will sing "you mean everything" // You can be anything //
Fade from all that was before // We shut another door // But not a last goodbye // Fate has taken once again // A fight we'll never win //
My vinyl skin provides protection // It holds in place my plastic bones // Cast button eyes reflect an image // And all seems as it should, but there's nobody home // Cue the breeze //
Life Is But A Dream...
I // N // S // T // R //

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Avenged Sevenfold

So Far Away

Alias Artístico: A7X

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'So Far Away' de Avenged Sevenfold, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Avenged Sevenfold!