Lyrics Skulls (Misfits Cover) - Avenged Sevenfold
The corpses all hang headless and limp
Bodies with no surprises
And the blood drains down like Devils-rain
We'll bathe tonight
I want your skull
I need your skull
I want your skull
I need your skull
Demon I am and face I peel
To see your skin turned inside out, 'cause
Gotta have you on my wall
Gotta have you on my wall, 'cause—
I want your skull
I need your skull
I want your skull
I need your skull
Collect the heads of little girls and
Put 'em on my wall
Hack the heads off little girls and
Put 'em on my wall
I want your skull
I need your skull
I want your skull
I need your skull
I want your skull
I need your skull
I want your skull
I need your skull
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