
Buried Alive - Avenged Sevenfold


"Buried Alive" es una canción interpretada por Avenged Sevenfold, publicada en el álbum Nightmare

Fecha de lanzamiento: 23 de julio del año 2010. 

Lyrics Buried Alive - Avenged Sevenfold

Take the time just to listen

When the voices screaming are much too loud

Take a look in the distance

Try and see it all

Chances are that you might find

That we share a common discomfort now

I feel I'm walking a fine line

Tell me only if it's real

Still I'm on my way (On and on it goes)

Vacant hope to take

Hey, I can't live in here for another day

Darkness has kept the light concealed

Grim as ever

Hold onto faith as I dig another grave

Meanwhile the mice endure the wheel

Real as ever

And it seems I've been buried alive

I walked the fields through the fire

Taking steps until I found solid ground

Followed dreams reaching higher

Couldn't survive the fall

Much has changed since the last time

And I feel a little less certain now

You know I jumped at the first sign

Tell me only if it's real

Memories seem to fade (on and on it goes)

Wash my view away

Hey, I can't live in here for another day

Darkness has kept the light concealed

Grim as ever

Hold onto faith as I dig another grave

Meanwhile the mice endure the wheel

Real as ever

And I'm chained like a slave

Trapped in the dark

Slammed all the locks

Death calls my name

And it seems I've been buried alive

Take you down now

Burn it all out

Throw you all around

Get your fucking hands off me!

What's it feel like?

Took the wrong route

Watch it fall apart

Now you're knockin' at the wrong gate

For you to pay the toll

A price for you alone

The only deal you'll find

I'll gladly take your soul

While it seems sick

Sober up quick

Psycho lunatic

Crushing you with hands of fate

Shame to find out when it's too late

But you're all the same

Trapped inside inferno awaits

Evil thoughts can hide

I'll help release the mind

I'll peel away the skin

Release the dark within

This is now your life

Strike you from the light

This is now your life

Die buried alive

This is now your life (What’s it feel like?)

Strike you from the light (Let me take in your soul)

This is now your life (What’s it feel like?)

Die buried alive (Let me take in your soul)

This is now your life

Die buried alive

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Buried Alive lyrics

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Comenta sobre Buried Alive

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Avenged Sevenfold

Game Over
Open, blurry, nurture, loving // Crawling, walking, fleeting, glory // Welcome, brother, stranger, bloody // Ally, teacher, recess, buddy // Secret, toothless, fairy, pillow //
We Love You
There you are, you've come so far // Sunny days, the air tastes so sweet // Flowers greet // Birds will sing "you mean everything" // You can be anything //
Fade from all that was before // We shut another door // But not a last goodbye // Fate has taken once again // A fight we'll never win //
My vinyl skin provides protection // It holds in place my plastic bones // Cast button eyes reflect an image // And all seems as it should, but there's nobody home // Cue the breeze //
Life Is But A Dream...
I // N // S // T // R //

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Avenged Sevenfold

Buried Alive

Alias Artístico: A7X

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Buried Alive' de Avenged Sevenfold, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Avenged Sevenfold!