
Lost It All - Avenged Sevenfold


"Lost It All" es una canción interpretada por Avenged Sevenfold, publicada en el álbum Nightmare

Fecha de lanzamiento: 27 de julio del año 2010. 

Lyrics Lost It All - Avenged Sevenfold

Run away, I'm living with a hole inside

A piece of me that I have yet to find

Edge of reason, lines uneven

Turn me off, feel the blood so cold

Like a product that was bought and sold

Asking me for the impossible

I ain’t waiting for a miracle

I ain’t waiting for the world to change

Under my skin, lives the reason

Under my armor, I lost it all

No more faith, no savior made of our designs

Fooled me before, I tell you, not this time

Raped my body, lost my vision

Lost my mind, I had to let it go

Another day living irrational

Another day inside this dying soul

I ain’t waiting for a miracle

I ain’t waiting for the world to change

Under my skin, lives the reason

Under my armor, I lost it all

There's something in your eyes

A part of me that I recognize

I want to let you know

We'd be there if we could and it's alright

You taught me how to feel

It's no wonder I'd do anything

Tell me why'd you have to go

With the worst to come, lost the best I know

Time, seems like we lost it all

Burn it all, burn it to the fucking ground

Believe the words that I don't want me around

Life revision, indecision

World collision, and heads will roll

With nothing left except the pain to show

Mental manic driven overflow

I ain’t waiting for a miracle

I ain’t waiting for the world to change

Under my skin, lives the reason

Under my armor, I lost it all

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Lost It All lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Avenged Sevenfold

Game Over
Open, blurry, nurture, loving // Crawling, walking, fleeting, glory // Welcome, brother, stranger, bloody // Ally, teacher, recess, buddy // Secret, toothless, fairy, pillow //
We Love You
There you are, you've come so far // Sunny days, the air tastes so sweet // Flowers greet // Birds will sing "you mean everything" // You can be anything //
Fade from all that was before // We shut another door // But not a last goodbye // Fate has taken once again // A fight we'll never win //
My vinyl skin provides protection // It holds in place my plastic bones // Cast button eyes reflect an image // And all seems as it should, but there's nobody home // Cue the breeze //
Life Is But A Dream...
I // N // S // T // R //

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Avenged Sevenfold

Lost It All

Alias Artístico: A7X

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Lost It All' de Avenged Sevenfold, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Avenged Sevenfold!