
Rush - Ayra Starr


"Rush" es una canción interpretada por Ayra Starr, publicada en el álbum 19 & Dangerous (Deluxe)

Fecha de lanzamiento: 16 de septiembre del año 2022. 

Lyrics Rush - Ayra Starr

Oh (Vibez)


Ta-ta-ri-pa, ta-ta-ri

Ta-ta-ri-pa, ta-ta-ri, pa

Sabi girl no dey too like talk

Animals dey in human form

Padi man, nobody like work

But you must hustle if you wan chop

E no finish, dem wan fight us

If dem dey run, dem no fit catch up

I no dey form say I too righteous

No come dey form say you too like us

Me no get the time for the hate and the bad energy

Got my mind on my money

Make you dance like Poco Lee

Steady green like broccoli

Steady on my grind, no wan hear what they wan telly me

Kudi na my fantasy

Dem wan dey check if my tap e no rush

But e dey rush

E dey rush well well, e be much

Na God dey make my tap, e dey rush (Mm)

The kind money we touch, yeah

E dey rush

E dey rush well well, e be much

No be hype, everybody dey crush

There's no dulling with us (There's no dulling with us)


Ta-ta-ri-pa, pa-pa-ri (Yeah)

Ta-ta-ri-pa, pa-pa-ri-pa


Já»Ì fun mi japata I dey go Ghana (Yeah)

You never touch, you dey form papas (Yeah)

Which kind money we never see before?

Kosi elomi, gat me feeling I'm the one

Aje, aje, aje, can never take my cake away, aje

You can't count my grace

I just dey my lane, my lane

Me no get the time for the hate and the bad energy

Got my mind on my money

Make you dance like Poco Lee

Steady green like broccoli

Steady on my grind, no wan hear what they wan telly me

Kudi na my fantasy

Dem wan dey check if my tap e no rush

But e dey rush

E dey rush well well, e be much

Na God dey make my tap, e dey rush

The kind money we touch, yeah

E dey rush

E dey rush well well, e be much

No be hype, everybody dey crush

There's no dulling with us (There's no dulling with us)

'Cause e dey rush

E dey rush well well, e be much

Na God dey make my tap, e dey rush

The kind money we touch

E dey rush

E dey rush well well, e be much

No be hype, everybody dey crush

There's no dulling with us (There's no dulling)

Yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah

Mm, ahh

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Rush lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Ayra Starr

(Initiating rage process) // Oh // Oh no // Eh-yeah, eh-yeah // Na which kind life wey I never see? //
Last Heartbreak Song
Featuring: GIVÄ’ON
Why you no dey get my time? // Is there someone else? // You dey do me corny o // Everyday, new story o // Shey I just dey waste my time?' //
Bad Vibes
Featuring: Seyi Vibez
No dey throw bad vibes // Where the money dey, that is where I'm at // Anyhow e be, I dey play my part // Igi gogoro magun mi l'oju, mi o fá» (MystroSugar) // I let the water touch my mink (Yeah) //
Woman Commando
Featuring: Anitta, Coco Jones
Bo ta lembrá // Nôs momento d'amor, alegria e doideza? // Ai, kel temp', ai, kel temp' d'sodadi (Ah-ah) // Kel temp' (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)(Initiating, RAGEE, process) // Yeah, yeah, no, no //
Goodbye (Warm Up)
Featuring: Asake
Goodbye (Goodbye) // To my (To my) // Ex (Ex), yes // Hello (Hello) // To my (To my) //

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Foto de Ayra Starr - Imagen del artista

Ayra Starr


Alias Artístico: Oyikansola Aderibige, Sarah Aderibige, Oyikansola Sarah Aderibige

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Rush' de Ayra Starr, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Ayra Starr!