
Trouble - Sharon Van Etten


"Trouble" es una canción interpretada por Sharon Van Etten, publicada en el álbum Sharon Van Etten & The Attachment Theory

Fecha de lanzamiento: . 

Lyrics Trouble - Sharon Van Etten

All the trouble I got you in

All the trouble I'll get you in, uh huh

All the stories that I can't tell

Watered down versions of my own hell, uh huh

I don't want to lose your love against your will

Blow you kisses and take a pill to kill

I don't want to lose your love against your will

Blow you kisses and take a pill to kill

I don't want to lose you

Not if I can choose to

All the bubbles that we live in

All the bubbles I want the pin to pop

All the lies we've told ourselves

All the ways that we retell, aha

I don't want to lose your love against your will

Blow you kisses and take a pill to kill

I don't want to lose your love against your will

Blow you kisses and take a pill to kill

I don't want to lose you

Not if I can choose to

I don't want to lose you

Not if I can choose to

All the trouble I got you in

All the trouble I got you in

All the trouble I got you in

All the trouble I'll get you in

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Trouble lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Sharon Van Etten

Darkness Fades
Rain, sleep tonight // Sunrise, hold hands all night // It's been a while since I held you close // Been a while since we've touched // All the doors close //
I walk down the road // Let my body wake up by the way // You move // Skate around the room // See my body ache, my body shake //
Far Away
Been down on myself // Said won't go back // Been there // My mother might say you were right // Doesn't matter where she is (not far) //
Never Gonna Change
Forever turns into today // Haven't found a way to make it brave // It never goes away // Think I need to step away to say // It never goes away //
Come Back
Wall eyes // Ceiling felt too high // Nights were falling down skies // Was no look in the eyes // Subtle moments of past //

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Sharon Van Etten


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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Trouble' de Sharon Van Etten, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Sharon Van Etten!