"Somethin’ Ain’t Right" es una canción interpretada por Sharon Van Etten, publicada en el álbum Sharon Van Etten & The Attachment Theory.
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Lyrics Somethin’ Ain’t Right - Sharon Van Etten
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Comenta sobre Somethin’ Ain’t Right
Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Sharon Van Etten
Rain, sleep tonight // Sunrise, hold hands all night // It's been a while since I held you close // Been a while since we've touched // All the doors close //
Been down on myself // Said won't go back // Been there // My mother might say you were right // Doesn't matter where she is (not far) //
I walk down the road // Let my body wake up by the way // You move // Skate around the room // See my body ache, my body shake //
Forever turns into today // Haven't found a way to make it brave // It never goes away // Think I need to step away to say // It never goes away //
Wall eyes // Ceiling felt too high // Nights were falling down skies // Was no look in the eyes // Subtle moments of past //
Explora todas las letras de las canciones de Sharon Van Etten