
The Spot vs W. D. Gaster - RAP BATTLE! - ft. JT Music & Shwabadi - Freshy Kanal


"The Spot vs W. D. Gaster - RAP BATTLE! - ft. JT Music & Shwabadi" es una canción interpretada por Freshy Kanal, JT Music y Shwabadi. 

Lyrics The Spot vs W. D. Gaster - RAP BATTLE! - ft. JT Music & Shwabadi - Freshy Kanal ft. JT Music, Shwabadi

Woah, you're actually alive after all

I've heard the legends, Dr. Gaster, say, how was the fall?

Hello? You hearin' me?

Just get out of my way before you have to see what happens when I kill a speech

A glitchy mess of code, you're just a bug I'm known for stomping them

I'll take a scrambled easter egg and fry him like an omelette

He's only known through whispers from that cult of guys who follow him

I'm pleased to meet the Undergrounds' Royal Scientologist

That job you worked through blood, sweat, and tears to get

Went to some awkward nerd who doubled down on the sweat

Senile man couldn't build a CORE if he tried some sets

I've dealt with garbage heaps before, your noise ain't a threat

Buddy, I'm busting down your door 'cause I don't wanna hear no more squeaks

Spill him on the ground like oil and call him WD-40

Reconsider if you think that I'm some villain of the week

'Cause you'd see millions of me before your finished game's released

Very, very interesting

I pray this log won't get lost like his third entry

The test subject struggles with spiders as enemi-mi-mi-mies

Perhaps he should address me as Webdings

His powers are in flux, mind the failure with the ATM

It seems the only dough he can acquire is from bagel bread

With an unstable head, his rage at children is unfounded

Perhaps he's bitter M-M-M-Morales is more grounded

Dude, I'm right here! Though his jokes are obnoxious

Note to self: try and locate Dr. Ohn's off switch

His fate's to be a joke, he kills to escape

That his whole life is filled with PREDETERMINATION

His fate's to be a j-joke, PREDETERMINA-NA-NATION

It seems soon, I'll fade back into darkness

Let's see if he'll achieve what my theories have promi-mi-mi-mised

This is wonderful progress...

Don't think you can just hide in code, I'll-Woah!

Now I'll turn the search for you into nightmare mode

It's rude to talk of people who are listening

Well, that's the idea- Be glad he tunes out what C-tier villains think

Not listening! Oh, that's real funny buster

What? Scared I'm gonna kick your bony tail back under?!

Can I speak to Spider-Man's greatest foe?

Well I'm busy but- Sorry! We got the wrong number!

Oh, now you begged your gang of cronies to pick on me?!

Like I care about some brainwashed hippie frea-

Spot is a loser! Smells like a loser! Spot is a-


Found you...

Look at me! I'm not your guinea pig! I'm not your punchline!

I have been dismissed and insulted enough times!

Take the souls you've hidden in, they'll never even touch mine

Each timeline you're living in, I'm turning into dust piles

Since you speak in hands, you can translate

What mine say when wrapped 'round your neck

I'll break down all that's left of your miserable excuse of an existence

And you'll finally get one canon event

You were less than what I predicted

What a disappointment, how poorly you faired...

I thought the fix for your ego could fix my condition

But they're both shattered beyond repair

B-Because you fold as you're lead to your downfall

You're stuck in a hole that there's no coming out of

A-And your family's in your past now

Like a shadow, you were cast out

Why cure myself now?

I've found solace in soulless, endless darkness

I see the lights going out

And, as it consumes you, my domain remains Spotless

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The Spot vs W. D. Gaster - RAP BATTLE! - ft. JT Music & Shwabadi lyrics
Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
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The Spot vs W. D. Gaster - RAP BATTLE! - ft. JT Music & Shwabadi

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