
King Dice vs. Oogie Boogie - Freshy Kanal


"King Dice vs. Oogie Boogie" es una canción interpretada por Freshy Kanal, Chase Beck y McGwire, publicada en el álbum Freshy Kanal Winter Collection Album 3

Fecha de lanzamiento: 3 de octubre del año 202. 

Lyrics King Dice vs. Oogie Boogie - Freshy Kanal ft. Chase Beck, McGwire






Straight out Inkwell Isle, now I'll use my ink well

Contracts ain't the only pen game the King sells

Against this bug brain, my suits ain't as mundane

You look like the KKK went on too many lunch breaks

Don't need to collect souls, my boot soles could crush this fake

I'd whack your creepy crawling derrière with a puff of Raid

Your Bug Day got upstaged, what a shame

Our insects are the least celebrated colony since Columbus Day

Inkwell Hell well, ain't this fight just nice? Are you set on easy mode? 'Cause my good sir, you blew it

So I'll use this rolly-poly dice as some added spice and my delicious stew will be the only thing surely brewin'

You lost to some china tryna play finger guns, god

I thought you were a mobster, you can't make it past a mug shot

You're chokin', you're chokin' with those feeble disses

My sides might burst, you're leaving me in stitches

Since the 90s, I've been vibin' on shirts, games and parks

You spent four years in the waiting line to get a second part

I'm running bur-laps around a measly gun-for-hire

Call me your contracts, sucker, I'm on fire

I'm Mr. King Dice, don't you even try now

Otherwise you'll see why they call it Die House

I'm the dude getting Netflix toons

While Disney didn't want their name next to you

I tear streaks apart, you couldn't beat my cards

'Cause the king of hearts could sweep your Kingdom Hearts

Thinking that I'll let up? You really wanna bet, bud?

You can call me Sally, 'cuz I got a leg up

Got 52 cards, but I'm not one to deal with

You had like 52 seconds in your screentime appearance

So the Devil himself prepared a special hell

For the most washed-up thing from NBC since SNL

You make a lot of kids work just to play a game

You'd be more successful taking over child labor day

Maybe pass the rapping to your goons

'Cuz you're in my shadow like the moon

With all your minions you couldn't hold 'em like Texas

This high roller's gonna smoke you like the Devil's lettuce

Now look at your rhymes and maybe put 'em aside

I got the hooks and the jives to keep the Boogie alive

Like your loading screen go and open wide

I'll give this loaded dice a little load of mine

Step on my block, I leave sleazy blockheads in pieces

Deckin' dicey devil dealing douches dead, that's a D6

So don't nap on this sack or I'll knapsack that top crown

Hail to your new king, baby, that's a knockout!





Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey

King Dice vs. Oogie Boogie lyrics


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King Dice vs. Oogie Boogie

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