Lyrics The Ballad - Blur
I just looked into my life
And all I saw was that you're not coming back
Oh, can't you see when the ballad comes for you
It comes like me?
But I won't be afraid
I can't seem to find you in this midnight parade
I know it's all true
When the ballad comes for me, it comes like you
Up close
I fell in love with you
(I met you at an early show)
You fall, I'll fall along with you
(We travelled 'round the world together)
I just looked out to the point
Where the words, they are hitting me
In a full-on assault
Oh, can't you see when the ballad comes for you
It comes like me?
Well, I know I can't change the times
I know I'm already breaking when I look into your eyes
Oh, can't you see when the ballad comes for you
It comes like me?
Up close
I fell in love with you
(I met you at an early show)
You fall, I'll fall along with you
(We travelled 'round the world together)
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