
Barbaric - Blur


"Barbaric" es una canción interpretada por Blur, publicada en el álbum The Ballad of Darren

Fecha de lanzamiento: 21 de julio del año 2023. 

Lyrics Barbaric - Blur

Who blinks first?

You're gonna win

The fallen doves of lovers' vows

In the world all around us

And I'd like, if you've got the time

To talk to you about what this breakup has done to me

I have lost the feeling that I thought I'd never lose

Now where am I going?

At what cost, the feeling that I thought I'd never lose

It is barbaric

Now you can't play to every taste

The powder keg of common cause

All of us carry trauma

And in lieu of an explanation

I will pour oil from the cup on the pyre of abdication

You have lost

The feeling that you thought you'd never lose

Now where are you going, darling?

At what cost, the feeling that you thought you'd never lose

And it is barbaric

Empty grove, winter darkness

We're taking down the scaffolds very soon

Grow dappled, the lonely baubles on the plane tree

The can of soup and heating up to ten

Which leads me to the part

Where we agreed on different dreams

That we had lost the feeling that we thought we'd never lose

Now where are we going?

At what cost, the feelings that we thought we'd never lose

It is barbaric

We have lost the feeling that we thought we'd never lose

Now where are we going?

We have lost the feeling that we thought we'd never lose

It is barbaric, darling

We have lost the feeling that we thought we'd never lose

Now where are we going?

We have lost, the feeling that we thought we'd never lose

It is barbaric

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Barbaric lyrics

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Comenta sobre Barbaric

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Blur

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Looked in the mirror // So many people standing there // I walked towards them // Into the floodlights // I heard no echo (No echo) //
St. Charles Square
Oi! // I fucked up // I'm not the first to do it // Must forgo now, your smile // Off the wall, beige //
Who blinks first? // You're gonna win // The fallen doves of lovers' vows // In the world all around us // And I'd like, if you've got the time //
Sticks and Stones
Chaos on a Friday // I tip-toe by // No need to get excited // I step outside // Smooth exterior //
The Ballad
I just looked into my life // And all I saw was that you're not coming back // Oh, can't you see when the ballad comes for you // It comes like me? // But I won't be afraid //

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Barbaric' de Blur, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Blur!