Lyrics Savannah - Michael Marcagi
Savannah, all I've ever known
And I'm asking you to come back home
'Cause you're running out the door in the pouring rain
'Cause the years of being sober must've drove you insane
If the good days are over I can still try for another one
And it's over, over, over 'cause of you
And it's over, over, over, I love you
And I'll make the money if you give it time
I'm still here if you ever change your mind
And you know where it's gon' go
You are wild, it's so far in your soul
'Cause you're running out the door in the pouring rain
'Cause the years of being sober must've drove you insane
If the good days are over I can still try for another one
And it's over, over, over 'cause of you
And it's over, over, over, I love you
And I'll make the money if you give it time
I'm still here if you ever change your mind
And it's over, over, over 'cause of you
And it's over, over, over, I love you
And I'll make the money if you give it time
I'm still here
And I can't pretend that you'd never lie
If you ever, ever, ever change your mind
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