Lyrics In the Light - Michael Marcagi
Every street looks the same
Every house painted grey
In this cul-de-sac
Like a panic attack
And these cars drive by
And go all night
Maybe one day, you'll leave it all behind
I know it's hard to feel alone
And be a stranger in your home
Lost out in the night
And if you feel like leaving
You don't need a reason
Just pack a bag and drive out to the ocean
And you're crying in your kitchen
What a shame you ever listened
To everybody telling you you're broken
So fuck all you bought, it ain't what you got
And be who you need and not what you're taught
You know from all this pain, you cannot hide
And stand there in the light
You can say you're not alone
But you're crying on the phone
'Cause he treats you like an asshole
You still got that dog tattoo
Just staring back at you
And we both know there ain't nothing 'round here to look at
You know you gotta get away
Before you fall into your grave
And if you feel like leaving
You don't need a reason
So pack a bag and drive out to the ocean
And you're crying in your kitchen
What a shame you ever listened
To everybody telling you you're broken
So fuck all you bought, it ain't what you got
And be who you need and not what you're taught
You know from all this pain, you cannot hide
And stand there in the light
Stand there in the light
Stand there in the light
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