
In the Light - Michael Marcagi


"In the Light" es una canción interpretada por Michael Marcagi, publicada en el álbum American Romance

Fecha de lanzamiento: 08 de febrero del año 2024. 

Lyrics In the Light - Michael Marcagi

Every street looks the same

Every house painted grey

In this cul-de-sac

Like a panic attack

And these cars drive by

And go all night

Maybe one day, you'll leave it all behind

I know it's hard to feel alone

And be a stranger in your home

Lost out in the night

And if you feel like leaving

You don't need a reason

Just pack a bag and drive out to the ocean

And you're crying in your kitchen

What a shame you ever listened

To everybody telling you you're broken

So fuck all you bought, it ain't what you got

And be who you need and not what you're taught

You know from all this pain, you cannot hide

And stand there in the light

You can say you're not alone

But you're crying on the phone

'Cause he treats you like an asshole

You still got that dog tattoo

Just staring back at you

And we both know there ain't nothing 'round here to look at

You know you gotta get away

Before you fall into your grave

And if you feel like leaving

You don't need a reason

So pack a bag and drive out to the ocean

And you're crying in your kitchen

What a shame you ever listened

To everybody telling you you're broken

So fuck all you bought, it ain't what you got

And be who you need and not what you're taught

You know from all this pain, you cannot hide

And stand there in the light

Stand there in the light

Stand there in the light

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
In the Light lyrics

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Comenta sobre In the Light

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Michael Marcagi

The Other Side
When the cold comes // Pushing down heavy on this town // And there's no one around // To keep out the sound // That is all in my head, no, it's all in my head //
Scared To Start
She's wearing an old dress, walking it out // Waiting for someone to turn her around // But she won't believe you // When you fall down on your knees // She fell asleep listening to my friends //
In the Light
Every street looks the same // Every house painted grey // In this cul-de-sac // Like a panic attack // And these cars drive by //
Savannah, all I've ever known // And I'm asking you to come back home' // Cause you're running out the door in the pouring rain' // Cause the years of being sober must've drove you insane // If the good days are over I can still try for another one //
American Romance
When you were young // Found you a good man // And told you he was a Christian // Just like you had planned // Now your old dream //

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Michael Marcagi

In the Light

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'In the Light' de Michael Marcagi, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Michael Marcagi!