
QUIET - Marty


"QUIET" es una canción interpretada por Marty, publicada en el álbum FLOP ERA VOL. 2 (DELUXE)

Fecha de lanzamiento: 21 de junio del año 2024. 

Lyrics QUIET - Marty

Uh, yeah, you know the world’s so cold

Rappers bragging ‘bout how they money don’t fold

I’m working double shifts, till my records go gold

I can’t have my girl with the influencer code

No fashion nova, I’m totally sober

I came to party but I’ll take a soda

Hold the vodka, I’m the only designated driver

Pulling a bike up

The money don’t make me, no way

Baby, you’ll always be mine, girl

All I need is you right here

And if it don’t work out I’ll come out swinging like dang

The kid’s on fire, no NBA jam

Tried to go to God with a list of demands

I heard Him laughing at me, like “Who is this man?”

Boo this man, he’s a hooligan

Tryna’ make Christian music cool again

Who would even try it?

The kids won’t buy it

But when it’s all said and done we made ‘em go quiet

The money don’t make me, no way

Baby, you’ll always be mine, girl

All I need is you, right here

And we gonna be just fine

We gon’ be just fine (Yeah)

She stuck with me when the card declined

When the car wouldn’t start in the Starbucks line

Now I’m pulling up to her with a bow on top

Screaming “Toyota-thon!”

Everybody think that I owe ‘em one

Me and God relate, I’m an only son

I’m the only one, that kept it real from the jump

Yeah, I never sold my soul

Never shaved my head, never lost control (Yeah)

Never did coke, but I did drink diet

When it’s all said and done, we made ‘em go

Quiet, haha

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
QUIET lyrics

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Comenta sobre QUIET

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Marty

Featuring: Marty (ARG)
Perdimos el respeto después del diez // Y ya para el catorce no había break // Ahora yo soy dueño de esa piel // Y vos sos la primera a la que le soy fiel // Mami, me gusta', mami //
Featuring: McKenna Johns
I don't need no flashing lights // It don’t matter what I look like // I don't need no Sunday choir // I'ma worship God like I'm in my room, yeah // Nobody watching it's just me and you, yeah //
Why the hell did you ever want to become famous? // Ask yourself if you’re better off being nameless // Why the hell did you ever want to become famous? // Ask yourself if you’re better off being nameless // Yeah, you can do the same thing //
S // I // D // E A // You know the rules //

Explora todas las letras de las canciones de Marty

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Alias Artístico: Martiy Wachin

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'QUIET' de Marty, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Marty!