
One Minute You’re Here - Bruce Springsteen


"One Minute You’re Here" es una canción interpretada por Bruce Springsteen, publicada en el álbum Letter to You

Fecha de lanzamiento: 23 de octubre del año 2020. 

Lyrics One Minute You’re Here - Bruce Springsteen

Big black train comin' down the track

Blow your whistle long and long

One minute you're here

Next minute you're gone

I lay my penny down on the rails

As the summer wind sings its last song

One minute you're here

Next minute you're gone

Baby, baby, baby

I'm so alone

Baby, baby, baby

I'm coming home

Autumn carnival on the edge of town

We walk down the midway arm-in-arm

One minute you're here

Next minute you're gone

I thought I knew just who I was

And what I'd do, but I was wrong

One minute you're here

Next minute you're gone

Red river running along the edge of town

On the muddy banks

I lay my body down

This body down

Footsteps cracklin' on a gravel road

Stars vanish in a sky as black as stone

One minute you're here

Next minute you're gone

One minute you're here

Next minute you're gone

One minute you're here

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
One Minute You’re Here lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Bruce Springsteen

Tucson Train
I got so down and out in Frisco // Tired of the pills and the rain // I picked up, headed for sunshine // I left a good thing behind // Seemed all of our love was in vain //
Marvin, he was a friend of mine // And he could sing his song, his heart in every line // Marvin sang of the joy and pain // He opened up our minds, I still can hear him say" // Oh, talk to me, so you can see what's going on" //

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Bruce Springsteen

One Minute You’re Here

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'One Minute You’re Here' de Bruce Springsteen, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Bruce Springsteen!