
If I Was the Priest - Bruce Springsteen


"If I Was the Priest" es una canción interpretada por Bruce Springsteen, publicada en el álbum Letter to You

Fecha de lanzamiento: 23 de octubre del año 2020. 

Lyrics If I Was the Priest - Bruce Springsteen

There's a light on yonder mountain

And it's calling me to shine

There's a girl over by the water fountain

And she's asking to be mine

And Jesus is standing in the doorway

In a buckskin jacket, boots and spurs so fine

He says, "We need you son tonight up in Dodge City

'Cause there's just too many outlaws trying to work the same line"

Now if Jesus was a sheriff and I were a priest

If my lady was an heiress and my Mama was a thief

If Papa rode shotgun on the Fargo line

There's still too many bad boys trying to work the same line

Well sweet Virgin Mary runs the Holy Grail saloon

Well for a nickel she'll give you whiskey and a personally blessed balloon

And the Holy Ghost is the host with the most, he runs the burlesque show

Where they'll let you in for free and they hit you when you go

Mary serving Mass on Sunday and she sells her body on Monday

To the bootlegger who paid the highest price

He don't know he got stuck with a loser, she's a stone junkie what's more she's a user

She's only been made once or twice by some kind of magic

If Jesus was a sheriff and I were a priest

If my lady was an heiress and my Mama was a thief

And Papa rode shotgun on the Fargo line

There's still too many outlaws trying to work the same line

Well things ain't been the same in heaven since Big Bad Bobby came to town

He's been known to down eleven, then ask for another round

Me I've got scabs on my knees from kneeling way too long

It's about time I played the man, took a stand where I belong

And I forget about the old friends and the old times

There's just too many new boys trying to work the same line

Well if Jesus was a sheriff and I were a priest

If my lady was an heiress and my Mama was a thief

And Papa rode shotgun on the Fargo line

There's just too many outlaws trying to work the same line

Well there's a light on yonder mountain

And it's calling me to shine

There's a girl over by the water fountain

She's asking to be mine

Jesus is standing in the doorway

Six gun drawn and ready to fan

Said, "We need you tonight son up in Dodge City"

Told him I was already overdue for Cheyenne

If Jesus was the sheriff and I were a priest

If my lady was an heiress and my Mama was a thief

And Papa rode shotgun on the Fargo line

There's still too many bad boys trying to work the same line

If Jesus was the sheriff and I were a priest

If my lady was an heiress and my Mama was a thief

And Papa rode shotgun on the Fargo line

There's still too many bad boys trying to work the same line

If Jesus was the sheriff and I was a priest

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
If I Was the Priest lyrics

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I got so down and out in Frisco // Tired of the pills and the rain // I picked up, headed for sunshine // I left a good thing behind // Seemed all of our love was in vain //
Marvin, he was a friend of mine // And he could sing his song, his heart in every line // Marvin sang of the joy and pain // He opened up our minds, I still can hear him say" // Oh, talk to me, so you can see what's going on" //

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Bruce Springsteen

If I Was the Priest

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'If I Was the Priest' de Bruce Springsteen, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Bruce Springsteen!