
Mission to Mars - Megadeth


"Mission to Mars" es una canción interpretada por Megadeth, publicada en el álbum The Sick, the Dying... and the Dead!

Fecha de lanzamiento: 0 de Septiembre del año 2022. 

Lyrics Mission to Mars - Megadeth

Countdown is commencing

Pretty soon, I'll be saying, "Goodbye, Earth."

A rocket ride on a bucking bronc

At seventeen thousand miles an hour

It's only seven months to Mars

Give or take a light year or two (Or three)

And I wanna (I wanna), I wanna be an astronaut

I wanna, I wanna, wanna

Starting lift-off procedures

All systems standing by, over


Blast-off, I'm on my way, I'm a shooting star

A man on a mission

I hang with the man on the moon, I'll be there soon

A man on a mission to Mars

I headbang on the gangway

Say my prayers, cross my heart and hope to die

Open a window for the Seven Sisters of Pleiades

"Hello, ladies." ("Hello, Moon Man!")

Three hundred million miles to Mars

It doesn't seem so far away (Yes, it does)

And I wanna (I wanna), I wanna be an astronaut

I wanna, I wanna, wanna

Starting landing procedures

All systems standing by, over


Blast-off, I'm on my way, I'm a shooting star

A man on a mission

I hang with the man on the moon, I'll be there soon

A man on a mission to Mars

Blast-off, I'm on my way, I'm a shooting star

A man on a mission

I hang with the man on the moon, I'll be there soon

I'm a man on a mission to Mars

"Commander, is there any evidence of prior civilization on the surface?"

"Utopia, roger. I see debris and rubbish everywhere that's covered in dust. There's an abandoned spacecraft buried 1-3-0, 200 meters. Standby. Everything's covered in rust, and yet, no signs of life, at least not yet."

"Why don't we just return to Earth and let it rust in peace out here?"

"Utopia, I have seen to have found a time capsule of some sort. It appears to have words on it."

"What does it say? Commander? Commander?"

"The objective is compromised. We have to go now!"

"Initiating start up sequence. Three minutes to lift off."

"We don't have three minutes!"

"Roger, powering up generators."

"Emergency, urgent! This is a message from Mars! Request permission to return to Earth, over. Emergency, urgent! This is a message - They're not hearing us! Request permission to return to Earth?"

"This is Space Force Control, permission to return to Earth is denied. Proceed a warp speed to Jupiter."

"No, no! This is a message from Mars. Engaging off, all engines go. We must return to Earth, urgent, over."

"Star Ship Utopia, Earth has been vaporized. But we have found a new way, and you were the first in line."

"Starting crash landing procedures. All systems standing by, over. Over. Over?"

("Mission failure. Mission failure. Mission failure. Clear. Mission failure. Mission failure.")

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey

Mission to Mars lyrics


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Mission to Mars

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