
Love Lost - BoyWithUke


"Love Lost" es una canción interpretada por BoyWithUke, publicada en el álbum Burnout

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Lyrics Love Lost - BoyWithUke

Ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh

We walked through the door of our new apartment

We're laughing the whole time

I hold your hands in mine, we share a smile

A box in hand and you in the other

You smell like lavander, like my mother

And then, the light turns green

What have I done?

Have I made a mistake?

'Cause I can't remember why I feel this way

Our life flashes by, as I drive away

But my home is not my home no more

My home is now my grave

Ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh

The gifts you gave me, I'll keep them safe

Though bittersweet in their aftertaste

So many songs that'll never sound the same

Stuffed animals that used to light up the room

Felt like how I fell out of love with you

Out of sight, but I see you everyday

Oh, why the hell do I keep recalling

The good, the great? I had all I wanted

How on earth did I lose it in a day?

I left my sweatshirt at her place

I'm turning back to my old ways

Can't keep commitments

I'm the same as what I hated

Ain't it funny how we change?

What have I done?

Have I made a mistake?

'Cause I can't remember why I feel this way

Our life flashes by, as I drive away

But my home is not my home no more

My home is now my grave

Ooh, ooh, I never knew

Oh, this love was new to me

Ooh, ooh, I never knew

Oh, what it would do to me

Ooh, ooh, I never knew

Oh, this love was new to me

Ooh, ooh, I never knew

Oh, what it would do—

What have I done?

I've made a mistake

'Cause I can't remember, no I can't remember why I feel this way

Our life flashes by, as I drive away

But my home is not my home no more

My home is now my—

I miss your laugh, I miss your face

I took your half, and threw it all away

I hate myself, I hate this pain

I hate that I lost everything

It's cold outside, this time of year

But it's colder now, that you're not here

I've lost my rock, and I've lost my friend

I never want to see a goldfish again

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Love Lost lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de BoyWithUke

Girl, I hope you understand, I wanted to hold your hand // But I can't, wanted to be your man back then // And you knew I fell for you, but you just broke my heart in two // I was sad, mad, and broken on my bed // Hoping I get rid of all the voices in my head //
Sick of U
Featuring: Oliver Tree
Things are better off this way // Wish you never ever knew my name // Wish I never said hi 'cause you got really cute eyes // I don't wanna cut ties just to kiss your face // So things are better this way //
​idtwcbf (friends)
Ahh, oh, no, no, no, no, ooh, oh // Ahh, no, no, no, no // Half of my heart wants what we had again (Oh, ahh) // Falling apart thinkin', " // What could've been?" //
Featuring: ​blackbear
You were caught in a lie, said it with your eyes // Said to all my homies that you weren't even mine // You didn't think twice, got a heart made of ice // And that shit hit me, did me dirty // I never asked why, and I never did cry //
All my friends are toxic, all ambitionless // So rude and always negative // I need new friends, but it's not that quick and easy // Oh, I'm drowning, let me breathe // I'm better off all by myself //

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Love Lost

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