
Coffee - BoyWithUke


"Coffee" es una canci贸n interpretada por BoyWithUke, publicada en el 谩lbum Burnout

Fecha de lanzamiento: 15 de noviembre del a帽o 2024. 

Lyrics Coffee - BoyWithUke

Why don't you stay for one more cup of coffee?

Why can't you be honest and say what you want?

I think that she wants to go home without me

Then loudly she says that she thinks we should fuck

(Wait, what?)

I think I'm autistic

I'm different from everyone I know

Googling how to be normal in high school, that's real

Sometimes I don't know how to feel

There were so many things that I never got to talk about without the risk of crashing out

Like breaking out and dropping out

Or breaking up and selling out

Or losing streams and faith in who I was

Becoming what I hate

And hating what I used to love

Sorry for the trauma dump

Why don't you stay for one more cup of coffee? (Why don't you stay?)

Why can't you be honest and say what you want? (Say what you want)

I think that she wants to go home without me (Go home without me)

Then loudly she says that she thinks we should fuck

(Wait, what?)

I think I'm autistic

I'm different from everyone I know (It's so hard to exist)

Googling how to be normal in high school, that's real

Sometimes I don't know how to feel

As soon as the mask came off, the label dropped

But they left with a buyback clause

No bad blood though 'cause they weren't that bad

Shout out Tyler and James, my dad

But it's past tense who I was, was bad

I'm glad he's gone, Tobi's in France

I'll sing my songs and you can watch me dance, so

(Why, why, why?)

Why don't you stay for one more cup of coffee? (Why don't you stay?)

Why can't you be honest and say what you want? (Say what you want)

I think that she wants to go home without me (Go home without me)

Then loudly she says that she thinks we should fuck

(Wait, what?)

I think I'm autistic

I'm different from everyone I know (It's so hard to exist)

Googling how to be normal in high school, that's real

Sometimes I don't know how to feel

Why don't you stay?

Say what you want

Go home without me

Cocaine vegans, champagne socialists

Who am I to judge?

There are no absolutes in this world

Absolute is objective

And to believe in the objective is to believe in God

Hands in the air watching parachutes fall

You've lost both your legs, lost both your legs

Think back when you had it all

It takes off the edge

In just a minute, you'll be acquitted

Aya, Aya crying out for

Anyone but probably mom

Letra a帽adida por el usuario: Nilmey
Coffee lyrics

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Comenta sobre Coffee

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de BoyWithUke

Girl, I hope you understand, I wanted to hold your hand // But I can't, wanted to be your man back then // And you knew I fell for you, but you just broke my heart in two // I was sad, mad, and broken on my bed // Hoping I get rid of all the voices in my head //
Sick of U
Featuring: Oliver Tree
Things are better off this way // Wish you never ever knew my name // Wish I never said hi 'cause you got really cute eyes // I don't wanna cut ties just to kiss your face // So things are better this way //
鈥媔dtwcbf (friends)
Ahh, oh, no, no, no, no, ooh, oh // Ahh, no, no, no, no // Half of my heart wants what we had again (Oh, ahh) // Falling apart thinkin', " // What could've been?" //
Featuring: 鈥媌lackbear
You were caught in a lie, said it with your eyes // Said to all my homies that you weren't even mine // You didn't think twice, got a heart made of ice // And that shit hit me, did me dirty // I never asked why, and I never did cry //
All my friends are toxic, all ambitionless // So rude and always negative // I need new friends, but it's not that quick and easy // Oh, I'm drowning, let me breathe // I'm better off all by myself //

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Descubre la letra de la canci贸n 'Coffee' de BoyWithUke, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. 隆Sum茅rgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de BoyWithUke!