
Letting Go - Fireboy DML


"Letting Go" es una canción interpretada por Fireboy DML y Lojay, publicada en el álbum adedamola

Fecha de lanzamiento: 29 de agosto del año 2024. 

Lyrics Letting Go - Fireboy DML ft. Lojay

Sometimes you're rude

Sometimes you hold it back

This kind of inconsistency in love e no fit last too long, oh, baby

And I was obviously head over

Now I'm packing my bags and running on my heels, oh no

'Cause sometimes loving is letting go

But you know say I go always dey for you

So if you love me, let me know

Make I no go carry gbese on my own

Let me tell you all about Julie (Julie, Julie, Julie)

Every other day she dey swear say she love me truly, truly, yeah

Been my best friend since uni'

Shawty look like a superstar in a James Bond movie

But the repercussion was not enough

You know say I'm quick to fall in love

Evidently you're cheatin' too

But I gats handle my trust issues

You sef, put yourself in my shoes

All of the time wey I waste on you I've fully given up

And you're my happily never after baby

'Cause sometimes loving is letting go

But you know say I go always dey for you

And if you love me let me know

So I no go carry gbese on my own (Oh, yeah, yeah, baby)

I found you and I lost my mind

Without you I no fit survive

Why you dey do me one kind?

Why you dey pour me water then set me on fire?

Make I no lie, I don tire

Baby, don't waste my time

And I know you're holding tight to me but

Sometimes loving is letting go

But you know say I go always dey for you

So if you love me, let me know

Make I no go carry gbese on my own

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Letting Go lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Fireboy DML

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Ooh, la-la, ooh, la-la, ooh, la-la // Ooh, la-la, ooh, la-la, ooh, la // Ooh, la-la, ooh, la-la, ooh, la-la // Ooh, la-la, ooh, la-la, ooh, la, ooh, la // Well, I pray that the universe //
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Mm, yeah, ah // Mm, yeah, ah // Mm, yeah, ah (Yeah, yeah) // Don't you leave, Diana (No, no) // Mm, yeah, ah(Phantom) //
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(Fun—)(Funkula) // Mutumina // Wetin dey prah? // Wetin dey sup oh? // I want to yarn //

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Fireboy DML

Letting Go

Alias Artístico: Adedamola Adefolahan

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Letting Go' de Fireboy DML, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Fireboy DML!