
Let There Be Light - WOOSUNG (김우성)


"Let There Be Light" es una canción interpretada por WOOSUNG (김우성) y BOL4, publicada en el álbum 4444

Fecha de lanzamiento: 04 de octubre del año 2024. 

가사 Let There Be Light - WOOSUNG (김우성) ft. BOL4

Your voice is calling from the other side

Got me spinnin' in the shining light

I don't wanna stay another night

Said I wanna live a different life

You taught me how to open up my eye

Heat the feeling that I have inside

Can you teach me how to stop the time?

Yeah, I'll do anything to make it right

So let there be light

So let there be light

Just let there be light

Hope we'll be alright

Your voice is calling from the other side

Got me spinnin' in the shining light

I don't wanna stay another night

Said I wanna live a different life

You taught me how to open up my eye

Heat the feeling that I have inside

Can you teach me how to stop the time?

Yeah, I'll do anything to make it right

So let there be light

So let there be light

Just let there be light

Hope we'll be alright

어둠 속에 빛이 비춰 밝게

따뜻하게 surround us, 'round us

We would never leave you, leave you, leave you

Wrap your arms around us, 'round us

쏟아지는 붉은 불빛 아래

반짝이는 아이들을

We would never leave you, leave you, leave you

Wrap your arms around us, 'round us

So let there be light

So let there be light

Just let there be light

Hope we'll be alright

Your voice is calling from the other side

Got me spinnin' in the shining light

I don't wanna stay another night

Said I wanna live a different life

You taught me how to open up my eye

Heat the feeling that I have inside

Can you teach me how to stop the time?

Yeah, I'll do anything to make it right

So let there be light

So let there be light

Just let there be light

Hope we'll be alright

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Let There Be Light lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de WOOSUNG (김우성)

Day That I Died
Woke up to the T // V this morning // Your voice in my head like a recording // Drowning in the words that I wish we never said // While I count up all the teardrops as they're pouring //
Happy Alone
Featuring: B.I
Couldn't slap the smile off my face // Just to see your bags parked at the door // Nothin' is sweeter than seein' you leavin' for good (Oh) // Used to pray that my phone would break // So I ain't gotta talk to you anymore //
Paper Cuts
Featuring: New Vaticans
Cut the cord // Make it easy for you // If you don't // You don't need to apologize // It's alright //
Found You
I found you // Lost between those walls // Where it says I was born to die with you // I never knew that life could be so cruel // I'm sorry I can't undo //
44 (Forget Forever)
It should be effortless // A little of nothingness // It could be anything but this // Remember to take it in // It might be the last time //

Explora todas las letras de las canciones de WOOSUNG (김우성)

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Let There Be Light

Alias Artístico: Woosung (The Rose), Kim Woosung (김우성)

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Let There Be Light' de WOOSUNG (김우성), disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de WOOSUNG (김우성)!