가사 44 (Forget Forever) - WOOSUNG (김우성)
It should be effortless
A little of nothingness
It could be anything but this
Remember to take it in
It might be the last time
That we ever meet like this
If heaven and hell were to collide
Would you choose darkness over light?
Did you leave enough of you, you, behind?
'Cause no one lives forever
Forever is just a word
That everybody says when they get hurt
Forget forever
Forget forever
Forget forever
Maybe another life will be amazing
And we'll go back to who we were
Back in the good old days
Where nobody is hurting
Nobody else but you and I
If heaven and hell were to collide
Would you choose darkness over light?
Did you leave enough of you, you, behind?
'Cause no one lives forever
Forever is just a word
That everybody says when they get hurt
Forget forever
Forget forever
Forget forever
Forget forever
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