
Let’s All Help the Cowboys (Sing the Blues) - Colter Wall


"Let’s All Help the Cowboys (Sing the Blues)" es una canción interpretada por Colter Wall 

Fecha de lanzamiento: 21 de Septiembre del año 2022. 

Lyrics Let’s All Help the Cowboys (Sing the Blues) - Colter Wall

Cowboys, they are ladies' men, alright

They can love 'em up and talk 'em up all night

But they're lonely when there's nothin' else to do

That's what makes the cowboys sing the blues

He does a little Waddie and he sings

He plays the mandolin and other things

He looks for love, beauty, and IQ

That's what makes the cowboy sing the blues

Cowboys have to fall in love, get hurt, and all that bit

Let their hearts hang out so they can write you all a hit

So, ladies, if they ask you, don't refuse

Let's all help the cowboys sing the blues

Cowboys, they don't ever understand

This thing between a woman and a man

Until they love the one they'll always lose

That's what makes the cowboys sing the blues

Cowboys have to fall in love, get hurt, and all that bit

Let their hearts hang out so they can write you all a hit

So, ladies, if they ask you, don't refuse

Let's all help the cowboys sing the blues


Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Let’s All Help the Cowboys (Sing the Blues) lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Colter Wall

And I dream in the mornin' that she brings me water // And I dream in the evenin' that she brings me wine // Just a poor man's daughter in Puerto Peñasco // South of the border in old Mexico // There's a great hot desert south of Mexicali //
The Coyote & The Cowboy
The Coyote's a survivor // Reckon he's got to be // He lives in the snow at forty below // Or in Malibu by the sea // I'm just an old cowpuncher //
Standing Here
I'm just standing here // Looking out my window // Wondering if it's ever gonna rain // I'm just standing here // Listening to the wind blow //
For a Long While
This old guitar, I've toted far // And though she's sometimes outta tune // She earns her keep each time she speaks // In the dance halls and barrooms // There ain't an hour that old wildwood flower //
Little Songs
There's an old man in the foothills // And if he ain't dead, he's living there still // Loved them little cuttin' horses // All his life // That's a high-dollar habit //

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Colter Wall

Let’s All Help the Cowboys (Sing the Blues)

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Let’s All Help the Cowboys (Sing the Blues)' de Colter Wall, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Colter Wall!