
Bob Fudge - Colter Wall


"Bob Fudge" es una canci贸n interpretada por Colter Wally The Scary Prairie Boys 

Fecha de lanzamiento: 27 de Septiembre del año 2019. 

Lyrics Bob Fudge - Colter Wall ft. The Scary Prairie Boys

My name is Bob Fudge

I was born in Texas

Lampasas County

Back during the war

Small Pox and Comanches

Took most of my family

Left my poor mother

My brothers and me

So I headed North

To ride for the Blockers

They were contractin' herds

On the Montana range

In the Spring of the year '82

We left ol' Lampasas

With two thousand steers

For the Little Big Horn

Crossing our trails

There were many great rivers

All to be crossed

Not a bridge would we find

In the cold rolling waters

And the wild plunging cattle

There was many a young man

Took leave of his life

Well we crossed at Doan's Store

Into the Indian nation

Saw the blood on the rocks

Where those cowboys had died

Then it's on Fort Dodge

On the Arkansas River

Where gamblers and the whores

All welcomed us there

And the great snowcapped peaks

Are on our left side now

For many miles

In the great silent land

When I first saw Montana

I knew I would love her

I would ride her great plains

'Til the end of my days

But she's all cut-and-dry now

And the trails are all gone

I've been to Yellowstone Park

In an automobile

But I can still see 'em swimming

Boys, I can still hear 'em running

I came off of the trails

When cowboys was king

My name is Bob Fudge

I died in Montana

Letra a帽adida por el usuario: Nilmey
Bob Fudge lyrics

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Comenta sobre Bob Fudge

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Colter Wall

And I dream in the mornin' that she brings me water // And I dream in the evenin' that she brings me wine // Just a poor man's daughter in Puerto Peñasco // South of the border in old Mexico // There's a great hot desert south of Mexicali //
The Coyote & The Cowboy
The Coyote's a survivor // Reckon he's got to be // He lives in the snow at forty below // Or in Malibu by the sea // I'm just an old cowpuncher //
Standing Here
I'm just standing here // Looking out my window // Wondering if it's ever gonna rain // I'm just standing here // Listening to the wind blow //
For a Long While
This old guitar, I've toted far // And though she's sometimes outta tune // She earns her keep each time she speaks // In the dance halls and barrooms // There ain't an hour that old wildwood flower //
Little Songs
There's an old man in the foothills // And if he ain't dead, he's living there still // Loved them little cuttin' horses // All his life // That's a high-dollar habit //

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Colter Wall

Bob Fudge

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