
HELL’S IMPOSTER - Shawn Christmas


"HELL’S IMPOSTER" es una canción interpretada por Shawn Christmas, publicada en el álbum WHAT THE HELL

Fecha de lanzamiento: 01 de noviembre del año 2024. 

Lyrics HELL’S IMPOSTER - Shawn Christmas

Where do I go now?

I thought I had things figured out

Got caught up in Hell

I did it to myself

And they say, "Just save another soul

From feeling all alone

And the good ones won't take their toll"

Won't drive me insane

Is Hell my only option when this pleasure comes to profit?

Am I sold out? Is my soul bound to see through all the logic

I keep runnin' towards the worst for me

Can't come down, where do I go now?

You say things that you regret

Blame it on me, I'll never forget

"Made same mistakes" That's your best defense?

Used it on me, your greatest regret

You stay up late nights and try to repent

Waiting for saints to absolve your sins

But they never came and you never went

To the heaven they promised you would get in

You say things that you regret

Blame it on me, I'll never forget (No)

"Made same mistakes" That's your best defense? (Your best defense)

Used it on me, your greatest regret (No)

You stay up late nights and try to repent (Try to repent)

Waiting for saints to absolve your sins (Absolve your sins)

But they never came and you never went

To the heaven they promised you would get in

It's time to step outside my mind, I'm petrified

But I don't know what I should do, I can't decide

Think I might have gone crazy (Think I might've gone crazy)

'Cause every little thing I let phase me (Let phase me)

Am I stuck here forever? (Stuck here forever)

Or can I find something better? (Find something better)

I've had enough of this weather

It's goodbye now or never

If Hell's my only option when this pleasure comes to profit

I can't stop now (I can't stop, I can't stop now)

But I'm worn out (I can't stop, I can't stop now)

And if I'm just being honest

I'm still searching for the best of me

If my soul's found

Where do I go now?

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey

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Comenta sobre HELL’S IMPOSTER

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Shawn Christmas

I'm not above a love to cash in // Another lover underneath those flashin' lights // Another one of those ruthless nights // Yeah, yeah, yeah // I shoulda guessed that this would happen //
A // M: // F // M- // M //
A Taste of the Flame
You're just a has-been, think it's fuckin' tragic // I don't need your address, Hell's home to your mattress // Pick your latest habits, sex, drugs, kinky addicts // Check out of your sadness, welcome to the madness // Do you have a taste for something hellish? //
Same Mistakes
I forgot this feelin', I forgot what real meant // Build me up to break me down // Looked into the fire, found my own desires // Will I ever make it out? // Can't be myself around anyone else (No) //
High all the time, but I just don't mind // As long as I see the light // No reason why, just passing the time // Is this life such a crime? // Party it up all through the moonshine //

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Foto de Shawn Christmas - Imagen del artista

Shawn Christmas


Alias Artístico: Shawn Michael Duncan

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'HELL’S IMPOSTER' de Shawn Christmas, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Shawn Christmas!