
AM:FM - Shawn Christmas


"AM:FM" es una canción interpretada por Shawn Christmas, publicada en el álbum WHAT THE HELL

Fecha de lanzamiento: 25 de octubre del año 2024. 

Lyrics AM:FM - Shawn Christmas









Can you hear me out? (AM:FM-M-M)

I'll rid you of your doubt (AM:FM-M-FM)

We could make a deal (AM:FM-M)

And your problems won't feel real (AM:FM-M-FM)

If you keep your word, then I'll keep mine

Everything will get better in time

It's safe to say you'll be okay

As long as you know you're better off now

You don't need a soul, you never knew how to use it

This hell's the proof, and

(AM:FM-M) What's behind this smile? (AM:FM-M-M)

Is it hate for miles? (AM:FM-M)

You don't need to know and I don't need to show it (AM:FM-M-FM)

(AM:FM-M) This taste of blood of mine (AM:FM-M-M)

Is just an old-time desire (AM:FM-M)

Tune into the show and behold the unknown, yeah (AM:FM-M-FM)



Heavens know that I'd never really steal a soul

But you better read the fine-print, 'cause you might lose control (AM:FM-M-M)

You might lose control (AM:FM-M-M)

Everything has a price in this afterlife

Don't think twice, don't do me wrong, that's my best advice (AM:FM-M-M)

'Cause it's your only life (AM:FM-M-M)

If you keep your word, then I'll keep lying

Everything will get better in time

It's safe to say your debt's to me

As long as you know you're better off now

You don't need a soul, you never knew how to use it

You know you're useless

(AM:FM-M) What's behind this smile? (AM:FM-M-M)

Is it rage for miles? (AM:FM-M)

You don't need to know and I don't need to show it (AM:FM-M-FM)

(AM:FM-M) This taste of blood of mine (AM:FM-M-M)

Is just an old-time desire (AM:FM-M)

Tune into the show and behold the unknown, yeah (AM:FM-M-FM)

Now, everybody throw your fingers up

And snap them in the air

That's right, that's right

Alright, now everybody

Why don't we take it to Hell?

Wouldn't that be swell?


Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
AM:FM lyrics

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Comenta sobre AM:FM

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Shawn Christmas

I'm not above a love to cash in // Another lover underneath those flashin' lights // Another one of those ruthless nights // Yeah, yeah, yeah // I shoulda guessed that this would happen //
A // M: // F // M- // M //
A Taste of the Flame
You're just a has-been, think it's fuckin' tragic // I don't need your address, Hell's home to your mattress // Pick your latest habits, sex, drugs, kinky addicts // Check out of your sadness, welcome to the madness // Do you have a taste for something hellish? //
Same Mistakes
I forgot this feelin', I forgot what real meant // Build me up to break me down // Looked into the fire, found my own desires // Will I ever make it out? // Can't be myself around anyone else (No) //
High all the time, but I just don't mind // As long as I see the light // No reason why, just passing the time // Is this life such a crime? // Party it up all through the moonshine //

Explora todas las letras de las canciones de Shawn Christmas

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Shawn Christmas


Alias Artístico: Shawn Michael Duncan

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'AM:FM' de Shawn Christmas, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Shawn Christmas!