
Guy I Used To Be - Lawrence


"Guy I Used To Be" es una canción interpretada por Lawrence, publicada en el álbum Family Business

Fecha de lanzamiento: 05 de abril del año 2024. 

Lyrics Guy I Used To Be - Lawrence


Ooh-hoo ho hoo whoa

Hoo-ooo goodbye (goodbye)




Oh, I set my past on fire

Before you I was toeing on the wire

But somehow you're taking me higher, higher

And I want you

And I need you

And I got you

And I'll never be happy without you

And I want you

And I—


To the guy I used to be

To the life I used to lead

Because now I see

You're the only thing that matters to me

And the man I was before

He don't matter anymore

Because now I see

You're the only thing that matters to me

Ooh-ooh goodbye

Ooh ooh oh


Oh, it's over baby, send in the choir, choir

And I want you

And I need you

And I got you

And I'll never be happy without you

And I want you

And I—


To the guy I used to be

To the life I used to lead

Because now I see

You're the only thing that matters to me

And the man I was before (before)

He don't matter anymore

Because now I see

You're the only thing that matters to me



You're the only thing that matters to me (and I want you, and I need you)

And I need you (and I got you, and I'll never be happy without you)

I'll never be happy without you, baby, mhm (and I want you, and I—)

Ooh (Want you, and I need you)

(And I got you, and I'll never be happy witho—)

One more time


To the guy I used to be

To the life I used to lead

Because now I see

You're the only thing that matters to me

And the man I was before

Well, he don't matter anymore

Because now I see

You're the only thing that matters


Hoo-hoo goodbye (goodbye)

Hoo-hoo goodbye (goodbye)

Hoo-hoo-oo-oo-oo goodbye

Hoo-oo-hoo ooo goodbye

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Guy I Used To Be lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Lawrence

We got nothing to lose // So everybody just... // Do do do do do // Do do do do do // We got nothing to prove //
Whatcha Want
Eyes on me (Eyes on me) // Tell me what you want (Tell me what you want) // Tell me what you need (Tell me what you need; woo) // I can't sleep (Woo) // Tell me what you want (Oh) //
​i’m confident that i’m insecure
Well, shucks, I think I need to go to therapy // But I'm tough, so I'm just gonna cry in bed for free // But enough, like, maybe I've been living in denial for a while // It sucks, my brain tells me to eat a bag of dicks // And I suck at knowing when my mind is playing tricks //
I went to my own funeral // At a synagogue on 96th // And all the boys who never texted me back // Brought my mother gifts // And the rabbi didn't know me //
Something In The Water
Everybody thinks that changing is cool // But I don't and I won't // And I hate that I gotta // And everybody's got a dog and a wife // And I can't for the life of me think why'd they'd wanna //

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Guy I Used To Be

Alias Artístico: Lawrencetheband

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Guy I Used To Be' de Lawrence, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Lawrence!