
Family Business - Lawrence


"Family Business" es una canción interpretada por Lawrence, publicada en el álbum Family Business

Fecha de lanzamiento: 31 de mayo del año 2024. 

Lyrics Family Business - Lawrence


Ooh, yeah

Yeah, yeah

Welcome to the family business

You'll be the witness, this is not ordinary

Mm, yeah

I know you're probably wondering, "What is this?"

You're taking a litmus to check if it's customary

It seems broken

But it's crazy by design

And we're open

So, come take a seat inside

So, welcome to the family business

You're already in this, so go make yourself at home

Go make yourself at home

Step into the office of Lawrence

The coffee is pouring, sweatpants are necessary

Mm-mm-mm, yeah


The meeting starts at three in the morning

It never gets boring, and sleeping is secondary

Mm-mm-mm, yeah

Yeah, it's easy

That you don't need to sign

Believe me

There ain't no dotted line

So, welcome to the family business

You're already in this, so go make yourself at home

Go make yourself at home

(Mm, yeah)


(Welcome to the family business!)

(Woo, uh)

Go and make your—

Go and make yourself at home

Go and make your— (Make your—)

Uh, go and make yourself at home

Go and make your— (Make your—)

Go and make yourself at home (Make yourself at—)

(Make yourself at home)

Welcome to the family business

You'll be the witness, this is not ordinary (Oh!)

And, one day, we're all gonna miss this

And you're gonna miss this 'cause everything's temporary

Mm, yeah

And it's okay

'Cause everybody's here tonight

So, let's all say

We'll never break the family ties

Welcome to the family business

You're already in this, so go make yourself at—

Welcome to the family business

You're already in this, so go make yourself at—

Welcome to the family business

You're already in this, so go make yourself at home

Go make yourself at home


Go make yourself at home

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Family Business lyrics

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Comenta sobre Family Business

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Lawrence

We got nothing to lose // So everybody just... // Do do do do do // Do do do do do // We got nothing to prove //
Whatcha Want
Eyes on me (Eyes on me) // Tell me what you want (Tell me what you want) // Tell me what you need (Tell me what you need; woo) // I can't sleep (Woo) // Tell me what you want (Oh) //
​i’m confident that i’m insecure
Well, shucks, I think I need to go to therapy // But I'm tough, so I'm just gonna cry in bed for free // But enough, like, maybe I've been living in denial for a while // It sucks, my brain tells me to eat a bag of dicks // And I suck at knowing when my mind is playing tricks //
I went to my own funeral // At a synagogue on 96th // And all the boys who never texted me back // Brought my mother gifts // And the rabbi didn't know me //
Something In The Water
Everybody thinks that changing is cool // But I don't and I won't // And I hate that I gotta // And everybody's got a dog and a wife // And I can't for the life of me think why'd they'd wanna //

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Family Business

Alias Artístico: Lawrencetheband

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Family Business' de Lawrence, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Lawrence!