
Form of You - Kehlani


"Form of You" es una canción interpretada por Kehlani, DESTIN CONRAD y 󠁪childofnines, publicada en el álbum While We Wait 2

Fecha de lanzamiento: 28 de agosto del año 2024. 

Lyrics Form of You - Kehlani ft. DESTIN CONRAD, 󠁪childofnines

This unfolding

This unfolding feels different than the last

Arms outstretched, I stand here where I am

And know that this is the top of the world too

Walk on wet sand, look back to see one set of footprints and know it's because you had carried me through

I am not too heavy for your hands to hold

Though the rain has soaked me to the bone

My heart is not too cold, I've grown more and more open

Not too broken for your light to peek through

Every crack seems made for your rush to touch

And fill me up, I trust

A love this pure

Never been more sure

That there is reason you are needed, it's all been made clear

With no fear

You found me here

I pray for a set of lessons

Wouldn't have bet where it landed

But I am here on your planet

It came in the form of you

Further than I'd imagine

I'm not where I was standing

But that's what love demanded

It came in the form of you

Because I see the best version of me through your sight

Movin' through the world with your eyes

If it all went away, then I might even go blind

In the walk of it all, yeah, it came in the form of you

Despite my imperfection

You meet me with your presence

Waitin' for my blessing

It came in the form of you

And I don't have to question

You would give me less than

When I needed protection

It came in the form of you

You give me gangster and patience, but you never test mine

Couldn't draw my gun if I tried

And if there's ever a day where I fail to realize

When I search for the sun, that it comes in the form of you

Comes in the form of you, you

It comes in the form of a lightning and storm

And the white of the waves as they crush on the shore

And one thing's for sure, that I loved you before

In every life and every form

And you're such a whirlwind, girl, you're such a portal

Ooh, da-da-da-da, who sent you here for me?

I didn't know my karma would come in the form of a human being

So effortless, I'm pessimistic

I've shown the worst, but you give me your best

Always questions got you teaching me lessons

Who knew all these blessings could come in the form of you, you?

Comes in the form of you, you

It comes in the form of you

You, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you

Comes in the form of you

Form of You lyrics
Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
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Form of You

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La letra de la canción "Form of You - Kehlani" es propiedad de su respectivo autor, está publicada en LETRASBOOM.COM con fines meramente informativos y promocionales para cada artista. Nosotros no alojamos la canción "Form of You" del artista "Kehlani" en formato mp3. Tenemos disponible la letra con el video enlazado desde la plataforma Youtube.com y Solo te proporcionaremos información relevante como la letra y el vídeo musical para que puedas escuchar y aprenderte la letra del tema del cantante "Kehlani" llamada "Form of You".