
Ballin’ - Kehlani


"Ballin’" es una canción interpretada por Kehlani, publicada en el álbum While We Wait 2

Fecha de lanzamiento: 28 de agosto del año 2024. 

Lyrics Ballin’ - Kehlani

Welcome to the camp

I picked up what you throw and give it right back

Two-player mode, it's on go, I like that you like it like that

And if only

I could keep it for me and you only

I'll keep tellin' 'em you're just my homie

Let 'em think that I'm still by my lonely

So I put a point on the board just to even the score back

Every time you be on what I'm on when you get into my bag

Ain't gotta define, different type of time

In a world where you're mine

This is yours (Ooh)

We be endin' up ballin', ballin' (I)

No one knows that we ballin', ballin' (I)

And there's nobody (Nobody) else that can play (Can play) in this game that we made (We made)

That's how we ended up ballin'

Keep me on my toes, know my body, we knee-deep

They don't know we connect like the Wi-Fi

And I need you without being needy

Fuck it, I might just tell 'em we ballin'

In the mind and the spirit and wallet

Calm it down so you don't think I'm wildin'

All I know is the timing be timing, ah

So I put a point on the board just to even the score back

Every time you be on what I'm on when you get into my bag

Ain't gotta define, different type of time

In a world where you're mine

This is yours (Ooh)

We be endin' up ballin', ballin' (I)

No one know that we ballin', ballin' (I)

And there's nobody (Nobody) else that can play (Can play) in this game that we made (We made)

That's how we ended up ballin'

Ballin’ lyrics
Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
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La letra de la canción "Ballin’ - Kehlani" es propiedad de su respectivo autor, está publicada en LETRASBOOM.COM con fines meramente informativos y promocionales para cada artista. Nosotros no alojamos la canción "Ballin’" del artista "Kehlani" en formato mp3. Tenemos disponible la letra con el video enlazado desde la plataforma Youtube.com y Solo te proporcionaremos información relevante como la letra y el vídeo musical para que puedas escuchar y aprenderte la letra del tema del cantante "Kehlani" llamada "Ballin’".