


"EDWARD SCISSORHANDS" es una canción interpretada por Nessa Barrett, publicada en el álbum AFTERCARE

Fecha de lanzamiento: 15 de noviembre del año 2024. 

Lyrics EDWARD SCISSORHANDS - Nessa Barrett

Please don't make me cry

There's darkness in your eyes

The saddest boy I've ever seen

Oh, it's such a shame

All you know is pain

Who hurt you at seventeen?

You wanna love me still

But you know it'd kill me if you tried

Whenever you touch me

You cut me to pieces

You carve with your kisses

Like switchblades, I'm bleeding

I can't even blame you

It's just how God made you

You're not a monster, just a broken man

Edward Scissorhands

Please don't hold me tight

You're sharper than a knife

I know you need me desperately

And, oh, it breaks my heart

To leave you with your scars

Fixing you would just break me

You wanna love me still

But you know it'd kill me if you tried

Whenever you touch me

You cut me to pieces

You carve with your kisses

Like switchblades, I'm bleeding

I can't even blame you

It's just how God made you

You're not a monster, just a broken man

Edward Scissorhands

Hold me, you can't

Hold me, you can't

Hold me (Ah-ah-ah)

Hold me, you can't

Hold me, you can't

Hold me (Ah-ah-ah)

Whenever you touch me

You cut me to pieces

You carve with your kisses

Like switchblades, I'm bleeding

I can't even blame you

It's just how God made you

You're not a monster, just a broken man

Edward Scissorhands

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Nessa Barrett

​i wanna die
You're my Jesus, you're my God // The one before was just a fraud // He shut me in a tiny box // And told me I was hard to love // I wake up at night, screaming //
​dying on the inside
You should take this as a compliment // If I were you, I would be more confident // You're lucky that you're pretty // Why are you obsessed // With your appearance? //
​scare myself
Thoughts keep on racing, one by one // I don't know who they're running from // Biting my lips until they bleed // Symptom of living life with me' // Cause I'm scared of the monsters that I swear are under my bed //
​pretty poison
I could tell the real story, but I know you wouldn't listen // I've tried to tell it many times, but you always go and twist it, yeah // Nearly every morning that I cry // Waking up to words to throwing knives, mmm // Swear I'm looking in the mirror, but I'm seeing someone different //
You kiss my scars, down the center of my left wrist // Never knew how much I needed it // I see stars, the good kind // Not the kind that I saw when I was three feet under // The reaper got my number //

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Nessa Barrett


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Descubre la letra de la canción 'EDWARD SCISSORHANDS' de Nessa Barrett, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Nessa Barrett!