
​dying on the inside (stripped) - Nessa Barrett


"​​​dying on the inside (stripped)" es una canción interpretada por Nessa Barrett. 

Fecha de lanzamiento: 24 de Marzo del año 2022. 

Lyrics ​dying on the inside (stripped) - Nessa Barrett

You should take this as a compliment

If I were you, I would be more confident

You're lucky that you're pretty

Why are you obsessed

With your appearance?

I don't wanna hear it, you're fine

It's been my best-kept secret for a while now

No one ever sees it, but it's all around

It's the dinner conversation no one talks about

Don't know how much longer I can keep this down

Beauty is the knife

I've been holding by the blade

Swallowing my pride so I won't eat anything

It's all a lie, honestly, it's eating me alive

They're all like

"Did you change your hair?"

"Did you lose a little weight?"

"You should keep it up 'cause it really looks great"

I hate that I always look my best

When I'm dying on the inside

When I'm dying on the inside

I wish I could break the mirror

It makes me feel like I should fucking disappear

And drown my demons in a bathtub filled with tears

No matter what I try, they always seem to come back to life

What if I didn't do this to my body?

What if I quit and then you don't want me?

The dinner conversation no one talks about

Don't know how much longer I can keep this down

Beauty is the knife

I've been holding by the blade

Swallowing my pride so I won't eat anything

It's all a lie, honestly, it's eating me alive

They're all like

"Did you change your hair?"

"Did you lose a little weight?"

"You should keep it up 'cause it really looks great"

I hate that I always look my best

When I'm dying on the inside

When I'm dying on the inside

When I'm dying on the inside

You should take it as a compliment

If I were you, I would be more confident

You're lucky that you're pretty

Why are you obsessed with your appearance?

I don't wanna hear it, you're fine

Beauty is the knife

I've been holding by the blade

Swallowing my pride so I won't eat anything

It's all a lie, honestly, it's eating me alive

They're all like

"Did you change your hair?"

"Did you lose a little weight?"

"You should keep it up 'cause it really looks great"

I hate that I always look my best

When I'm dying on the inside

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
​dying on the inside (stripped) lyrics

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Comenta sobre ​dying on the inside (stripped)

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Nessa Barrett

​i wanna die
You're my Jesus, you're my God // The one before was just a fraud // He shut me in a tiny box // And told me I was hard to love // I wake up at night, screaming //
​dying on the inside
You should take this as a compliment // If I were you, I would be more confident // You're lucky that you're pretty // Why are you obsessed // With your appearance? //
​scare myself
Thoughts keep on racing, one by one // I don't know who they're running from // Biting my lips until they bleed // Symptom of living life with me' // Cause I'm scared of the monsters that I swear are under my bed //
​pretty poison
I could tell the real story, but I know you wouldn't listen // I've tried to tell it many times, but you always go and twist it, yeah // Nearly every morning that I cry // Waking up to words to throwing knives, mmm // Swear I'm looking in the mirror, but I'm seeing someone different //
You kiss my scars, down the center of my left wrist // Never knew how much I needed it // I see stars, the good kind // Not the kind that I saw when I was three feet under // The reaper got my number //

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Nessa Barrett

​dying on the inside (stripped)

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Descubre la letra de la canción '​dying on the inside (stripped)' de Nessa Barrett, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Nessa Barrett!