
You’re Invited - The Dare


"You’re Invited" es una canción interpretada por The Dare, publicada en el álbum What’s Wrong With New York?

Fecha de lanzamiento: 07 de agosto del año 2024. 

Lyrics You’re Invited - The Dare

You play the drum

I'll write the lyrics

You bring the soul

I'll bring the spirit

You got a demo?

I wanna hear it

You got the address?

I think I'm near it

You're invited, you're invited

You're invited, you're invited

Let's make a baby

In the Mercedes

You lost the rubber

Let's make another

It's revolution

And you're invited

It might get violent

Dance to the sirens

You're invited, you're invited

You're invited, you're invited

You're invited, you're invited

You're invited, you're invited

You're invited to my party

You wanna stop it

You and what army?

You and your people

You just make me bored

You need some guidance

You're still invited

You're invited (You're invited), you're invited (You're invited)

You're invited (You're invited), you're invited (You're invited)

You're invited (You're invited), you're invited (You're invited)

You're invited (You're invited), you're invited (You're invited)

(Ooh-oooh-oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)

(Ooh-oooh-oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)

(Ooh-oooh-oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)

(Ooh-oooh-oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)

You need a smoke break?

I wanna smoke too

You only smoke reds

I only got blues

You say it's okay

You're trying new things

Well I can light it

'Cause you're invited

(Ooh-oooh-oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)

(Ooh-oooh-oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)

(Ooh-oooh-oh, oh, oh, oh, oh) (You’re invited)

(Ooh-oooh-oh-) (You’re invited)


Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
You’re Invited lyrics

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Comenta sobre You’re Invited

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de The Dare

I've got a new obsession of mine // It's something that I found while shopping online (Woo) // It's something unassuming sitting in my sock drawer (Drawer) // It's something that can make a bride out of a whore (What?) // When I walk in a room, everybody agrees //
You Can Never Go Home
Sometimes I only sing one note // Yeah, sometimes I steal what others wrote // Sometimes I burn for you like money // Sometimes I'm laid up like a junkie(You can never go home) // So don't look back tonight //
All Night
I wake up at noon, put on both of my shoes // Crawl right back into bed, and sleep until the evening // Get on the bus, downtown or bust // Skip on the fare, baby, do you ever get the feeling? // That we both know we're alone //
Good Time
Oh, let's have some fun tonight // Oh, let's have some fun tonight // Yeah, I might start a fight' // Cause we're all on the brink of suicide, yeah // Oh, come on, let's turn the lights out //
I think my teeth are falling out // Like in a dream of mine // But I haven't slept for days // And you're on my mind // And then I watch as the memory passes //

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Foto de The Dare - Imagen del artista

The Dare

You’re Invited

Alias Artístico: Harrison Patrick Smith

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'You’re Invited' de The Dare, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de The Dare!