
You & Me (Jazz ver.) - Jennie


"You & Me (Jazz ver.)" es una canción interpretada por JENNIE. 

Fecha de lanzamiento: 11 de octubre del año 2023. 

Lyrics You & Me (Jazz ver.) - Jennie

You know I got ya

You know that I got you like that

Ain't nobody gonna have your back like the way I do

You love it, just say you do

You know you got me

Everything you do, everything you did

Everything I wish I was with, makes me feel alright

I'm just saying, so

I really like it

Nothin' in the world can make me feel the way you do, the things you do

I really like it

Nothin' in the world can make me feel the way you do, the things you do

I love you and me, dancing in the moonlight

Nobody can see, it's just you and me tonight

I love you and me, dancing in the moonlight

Nobody can see, it's just you and me tonight

Look at you, now look at me

How you ever, ever gonna find someone like this?

Look at you, now look at me

How you ever, ever gonna find someone like this?

You're the reason my heart skips, drops

Just a little touch, my world stops

Finally, I know that you're mine

I don't wanna fall

Don't wanna play this game of love, oh-eh-oh

There's nowhere to hide

I really like it

Nothing in the world can make me feel the way you do, the things you do

I really like it

Nothing in the world can make me feel the way you do, the things you do

I love you and me, dancing in the moonlight

Nobody can see, it's just you and me tonight

I love you and me, dancing in the moonlight

Nobody can see, it's just you and me tonight

Look at you, now look at me

How you ever, ever gonna find someone like this?

Look at you, now look at me

How you ever, ever gonna find someone like me

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
You & Me (Jazz ver.) lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Jennie

You & Me
You know I got ya // You know that I got you like that // Ain't nobody gonna have your back like the way I do // You love it, just say you do // You know you got me //
You & Me (Coachella vers.)
You know I gotcha // You know that I got you like that // Ain't nobody gonna have your back like the way I do // You love it, just say you do // You know you got me //
You & Me (Jazz ver.)
You know I got ya // You know that I got you like that // Ain't nobody gonna have your back like the way I do // You love it, just say you do // You know you got me //
Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty // This that pretty-girl mantra, this that flaunt ya, just touched down in L. // A.​ // Pretty girls don't do drama 'less we wanna, it'll be depending on the day // Pretty girls packed in a Defender, know I'ma defend her, never let her catch no stray //

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You & Me (Jazz ver.)

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'You & Me (Jazz ver.)' de Jennie, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Jennie!