
You Look Good In My Shirt - Keith Urban


"You Look Good In My Shirt" es una canción interpretada por Keith Urban, publicada en el álbum Golden Road

Fecha de lanzamiento: 10 de julio del año 2002. 

Lyrics You Look Good In My Shirt - Keith Urban

When you walked up behind me and covered my eyes

And whispered in my ear, guess who

I rattled off names like I really didn't know

But all along I knew it was you

And, the longer we talked, the more we laughed

And wondered why we didn't last

It had been a long time, but later last night

Baby, we caught up real fast

And maybe it's a little too early

To know if this is going to work

All I know is you're sure looking

Good in my shirt

That's right

You look good in my shirt

Well now I'm not saying that we solved overnight

Every way that we went wrong

Oh, but what I'm seeing I'd sure love seeing

Every morning from now on

And maybe it's a little too early

To know if this is going to work

All I know is you're sure looking

Good in my shirt

Come on now

Aww, that's right

Oh, you look so fine

Eh, yeah

And maybe it's a little too early

To know if this is going to work

All I know is you're sure looking

Good in my shirt

And maybe it's a little too early

To know if this is going to work

All I know is you're sure looking

Good in my shirt

You look good in my shirt

One, two, three, four

You look good in my shirt

Yeah, yeah

(Come on, now)

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
You Look Good In My Shirt lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Keith Urban

Mm-mm (Hey) // Hey // Mm-mm (Hey) // Why we livin' every day in circles? // Just burnin' out, burnin' out //
Come on, come on, get behind 'em // Hey, hey // This thief here // What the hell? // I get up early 'fore the sun come up //
(No, uh, no, no, no, uh, no) // Just give me some blue sky, please
Sleepin' in the same room // But I don't even hear from you // Would you ever even notice // If I didn't come home this weekend // We've been dancin' circles //
She stole my drink, she held her own // Gave me that familiar "let your guard down" feelin' // You get from back home // She took me to heaven, I took her to church // I would've said it, but she said it first //

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Keith Urban

You Look Good In My Shirt

Alias Artístico: Keith Urbahn, Keith Lionel Urbahn

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'You Look Good In My Shirt' de Keith Urban, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Keith Urban!