
Y.O.Universe - VCHA


"Y.O.Universe" es una canción interpretada por VCHA, publicada en el álbum SeVit (NEW LIGHT)

Fecha de lanzamiento: 22 de septiembre del año 2023. 

Lyrics Y.O.Universe - VCHA

Thinking about you and me

Looking up, down the street (Yeah)

We don't have much but here we are (Oh)

Suitcase full of our dreams (Our dreams)

Watching the stars go by

Yeah, yeah (Oh yeah)

Crazy when you think about it (Mm-mm)

Underneath these lights we're drowning (Mm-mm)

Throw all of my girls in the backseat

Of a taxi and let's roll

Thank God for best friends

On all the worst nights

Some from the west end

And from the east side

So, when you freak out

I'll be right by your side

When I was low you built me up

And brought me so high

Do you feel special (No)

Do you feel replaceable (Yeah)

You hear that voice inside your head

It's saying here you are

It's your time, time to shine

On and on, and on, and on

There's one Y-O-U

In the universe

Don't be scared let 'em stare

Show 'em what you're worth


Woah-woah, oh, oh, oh-oh

There's no one just like you

In the universe

No regrets go and get

All that you deserve


Woah-woah, oh, oh, oh-oh

Slow it down we don't gotta go fast

Just follow the beat of your heart

Boom, boom bass drum with the claps

Don't forget we are who we are

Already know (We are who we are)

We know (We are who we are)

Don't forget that we'll always be (We are who we are)

Do you feel special? (No)

Do you feel replaceable? (Yeah)

You hear that voice inside your head

It's saying here you are

It's your time, time to shine

On and on and on and on

There's one Y-O-U

In the universe

Don't be scared let 'em stare

Show 'em what you're worth


Woah-woah, oh, oh, oh-oh

There's no one just like you

In the universe

No regrets go and get

All that you deserve


Woah-woah, oh, oh, oh-oh (Oh)

Woah-woah, oh, oh, oh-oh

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Y.O.Universe lyrics

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Comenta sobre Y.O.Universe

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de VCHA

Thinking about you and me // Looking up, down the street (Yeah) // We don't have much but here we are (Oh) // Suitcase full of our dreams (Our dreams) // Watching the stars go by //
Ready for the World
There's a thrill that I like // And it's taking over my mind // Not knowing what is waiting // On the other side of this door // But I turn the doorknob //
Know Me Like That
Hey!(Hah, hah) // Hey!(Hah, hah) // You got me wrong // Thinking I'm not gonna bite // When all along //
Go Getter
Excuse me // Am I crazy or is this a movie? // Been waiting for this moment 'cause I'm choosy // But if I feel this way, it must be meant to be (Uh-huh) // I switch it up, it's not Romeo and Juliet //
Girls of the Year
Who's that girl we haven't met? // Oh, she's glowin', drippin' confidence // Oh, yeah, oh, yeah // Used to live life on the fence // But I've been workin' hard //

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Y.O.Universe' de VCHA, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de VCHA!