Lyrics Witchcraft - Elvis Presley
Don't do that, please stop it
Please stop it now
You know I can't take it
Please stop it now
My head is spinning a spell on me now
My head is spinning around and around
My head is spinning around and around
Your witchcraft has got me
Keep going down and down
Let me forget her, don't mention her name
You know it brings back that old burning flame
It hurts to know that she don't feel the same
My head is spinning around and around
My head is spinning around and around
Oh, your witchcraft's got me
Keep going down and down
I can't go on since she left me alone
My one desire now is to cry, now to cry
She might come back one day by by and by
My head is spinning around and around
My head is spinning around and around
Your witchcraft has got me
Keep going down and down
My head is spinning around and around
My head is spinning around and around
Your witchcraft has got me
Keep going down and down
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