
​where tf beyonce at - Vayda


"​where tf beyonce at" es una canción interpretada por Vayda, publicada en el álbum VAYTRIX

Fecha de lanzamiento: 15 de octubre del año 2024. 

Lyrics ​where tf beyonce at - Vayda

I can't hit you back, 'cause baby I'm too far for that

Popping all this shit so they know where my problems at

Used to be real skinny, real broke, but now all my pockets fat

Like can you put in work for me? Maybe then I'll give you

Cut off all this dead ass weight, like I had liposurgery

You hate me now but why is that? You break me down, I build me back

Bigger, better, like I'm Texas, like where the fuck Beyoncé at? (Where the fuck she at?)

Oh my goodness, , said some real shit, now I got a car

They really feeling it, taking me far, pussy be popping like clothes on the bar

Pussy be popping like it's after hours, fuck all them niggas, them niggas is cowards

Watch all my moves, but you acting a tower, I got me a garden, I gave me a flower

I really hate when you got a good Why would you think you can take all my power?

Why would you think you don't have enough power? Letting you think that you had some control

Just because I'm having nothing to say doesn't mean that I be needing opinions

Just because I'm having nothing to say doesn't mean I need to hear all your feelings

I can't hit you back, 'cause baby I'm too far for that

Popping all this shit so they know where my problems at

Used to be real skinny, real broke, but now all my pockets fat

Like can you put in work for me? Maybe then I'll give you

Cut off all this dead ass weight, like I had liposurgery

You hate me now but why is that? You break me down, I build me back

Bigger, better, like I'm Texas, like where the fuck Beyoncé at? (Where the fuck she at?)

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
​where tf beyonce at lyrics

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Comenta sobre ​where tf beyonce at

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Vayda

Featuring: Amindi
I don't really think about you but sometimes I still do wonder // If we tried would it ever stop a boat from sinking under, I'm clever whatever // My new nigga better, can't hold on forever // I'm light as a feather, I am not a beggar // Don't write a letter, my name not Aaliyah //
​where tf beyonce at
I can't hit you back, 'cause baby I'm too far for that // Popping all this shit so they know where my problems at // Used to be real skinny, real broke, but now all my pockets fat // Like can you put in work for me? Maybe then I'll give you // Cut off all this dead ass weight, like I had liposurgery //

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​where tf beyonce at

Alias Artístico: Victoria Bryant

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Descubre la letra de la canción '​where tf beyonce at' de Vayda, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Vayda!