
Whenever I Run - Keith Urban


"Whenever I Run" es una canción interpretada por Keith Urban, publicada en el álbum Golden Road

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Lyrics Whenever I Run - Keith Urban

I've seen that darkness on the edge of town

The sun comes up and the rain fall down

And I've been a fool, yeah I've been around

And when the world got too much for me

I took off and left a memory

Thinking I'd find something better for me somehow

Oh but now

Whenever I run

Instead of running into the blue

I follow my heart

And there in your arms

Is where I find the love I need

And the best is yet to come

Baby you're the one I run to

I used to quit when it got too tough

Throw in my cards when I was down on my luck

But baby you mean too much to me

So now

Whenever I run

Instead of running into the blue

I follow my heart

And there in your arms

Is where I find the love I need

And the best is yet to come

Baby you're the one I run to

I never could stay in one place too long

I never could stand that still

Ah but you changed so much in me

And now I know I will

I'm going to stay where the love is right

I'm so tired of being a bird in flight

Good love takes work

Ah but that's alright

That's alright

Whenever I run

Instead of running into the blue

I follow my heart

And there in your arms

Is where I find the love I need

And the best is yet to come

Baby you're the one I run to

Instead of running into the blue

I follow my heart

And there in your arms

That's where I find the love I need

And the best is yet to come

Baby you're the one I run to

The one I run to

The one I run to

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Whenever I Run lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Keith Urban

Mm-mm (Hey) // Hey // Mm-mm (Hey) // Why we livin' every day in circles? // Just burnin' out, burnin' out //
Come on, come on, get behind 'em // Hey, hey // This thief here // What the hell? // I get up early 'fore the sun come up //
(No, uh, no, no, no, uh, no) // Just give me some blue sky, please
Sleepin' in the same room // But I don't even hear from you // Would you ever even notice // If I didn't come home this weekend // We've been dancin' circles //
She stole my drink, she held her own // Gave me that familiar "let your guard down" feelin' // You get from back home // She took me to heaven, I took her to church // I would've said it, but she said it first //

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Keith Urban

Whenever I Run

Alias Artístico: Keith Urbahn, Keith Lionel Urbahn

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Whenever I Run' de Keith Urban, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Keith Urban!