
Walking By - Dido


Letra Walking By - Dido

"Walking By" es una canción interpretada por Dido, publicada en el álbum Still on My Mind el 8 de marzo del año 2019. 

- * * - 

Keep me locked up

Keep me shut in

You can, but my mind still roams free

You can keep me caged

You can tell me to be quiet

But I remember everything

Please don't forget that you broke your own heart

And don't forget that you lost your mind

Please stop telling everybody that I didn't follow you

'Cause every step I take I'm always here without you

And I don't need words or anything from you

And I wish I never felt it

Kept on walking by

And I wish I never met you

Kept on walking by

Keep me locked up

Keep me shut in

But I remember everything

Please don't forget that you sought your own heart

And don't forget that you lost your way

Please stop telling everybody that I didn't follow you

'Cause every step I take I'm always here behind you

And I don't need words or anything from you

And I wish I never seen it

Kept on walking by

And I wish I never met you

Kept on walking by

And I wish I never tried it

Kept on walking by

And I wish I never felt it

Please stop telling everybody that I didn't follow you

'Cause every step I take I'm always here without you

And I don't need words or anything from you

And I wish I never met you

Kept on walking by

And I wish I never felt it

Kept on walking by

And I wish I never seen it

Kept on walking by

And I wish I never met you

Kept on walking by

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey

Walking By lyrics


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Walking By

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La letra de la canción "Walking By - Dido" es propiedad de su respectivo autor, está publicada en LETRASBOOM.COM con fines meramente informativos y promocionales para cada artista. Nosotros no alojamos la canción "Walking By" del artista "Dido" en formato mp3. Tenemos disponible la letra con el video enlazado desde la plataforma Youtube.com y Solo te proporcionaremos información relevante como la letra y el vídeo musical para que puedas escuchar y aprenderte la letra del tema del cantante "Dido" llamada "Walking By".