"VHS" es una canción interpretada por ​mxmtoon, publicada en el álbum liminal space.
Fecha de lanzamiento: 01 de noviembre del año 2024.
Lyrics vhs - mxmtoon
Are you scared you lost a daughter
Every moment I get older?
Looking through your eyes and I
See the girl I left behind
Is it really me in the mirror?
My lines keep digging deeper
Hands are looking more like yours
Feel our bodies keeping score
You know
How fast life goes
You got it all
On video
Pieces of myself
Littered 'round the world
Watching VHS
I'm a younger girl
Sitting by my side
Smile on your face
It's so bittersweet
I'll be you one day
I'll be you one day
Wonder how I got so bitter
I used to be so sweet
Sometimes I really miss her
The kid I used to be
You know
How fast life goes
You got it all
On video
Pieces of myself
Littered 'round the world
Watching VHS
I'm a younger girl
Sitting by my side
Smile on your face
It's so bittersweet
I'll be you one day
I'll be you one day
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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de mxmtoon
I'm happy for you, I'm smiling for you // I'd do anything for you, for you // It's always for you and never for me // And I need it to stop so let me tell you, please // I'm always sad and I'm always lonely //
I'm stuck // In the middle of two places // The more I try to think about it // My mind just overwhelms me // Then I'm stuck //
It’s really bad, I fall too hard // One simple chat, I’ve got no guard // I feel like Chet, it’s way too easy falling in love // Oh, isn’t that cheesy, oh, isn’t that cheesy // I sit around all day just listening to love songs //
Red brick and bamboo towers // Line the skyline with much power // Yellow cars and smoggy skies // With neon lights that attract your eyes // Hong Kong is moving around you //
Explora todas las letras de las canciones de mxmtoon