"Uzi The Earthling! (TV Show Theme)" es una canción interpretada por Lil Uzi Vert
Fecha de lanzamiento: 23 de Octubre del año 2024.
Lyrics Uzi The Earthling! (TV Show Theme) - Lil Uzi Vert
Here's the story of a guy named Uzi
Who's known for his diamonds and his style
From the streets to the stage, boy is busy
Making music that'll make you smile
Little Uzi Vert, he's the one to see
Bringing joy to you and me
Little Uzi Vert, he's the one to see
Letra añadida por el usuario:
Uzi The Earthling! (TV Show Theme) lyrics
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Comenta sobre Uzi The Earthling! (TV Show Theme)
Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Lil Uzi Vert
Jump in a whip that you never seen (Yeah) // It got bulletproof glass and a ceiling screen (Err)" // Let me guess, it cost you like a hundred thousand?" // No, little bitch, it cost seven beans (Vyoom, I'm—) // I'm doin' what you do in your dreams //
Featuring: Don Toliver
Take your time, Uzi, take your time (Seroquel, seroquel) // Take your time // Yeah // I don't know if you really in love with me now (Why must I fall in love? Where am I? Said, why?) // I don't know if you really in love with me now (Why must you fall in love?) //
Ah, ah, ah, ah // Ah, ah, ah // I just wanna rock // Body-ody, yeah (Shake it down) // Damn //
Explora todas las letras de las canciones de Lil Uzi Vert