
Unpopular - Skillet


"Unpopular" es una canción interpretada por Skillet, publicada en el álbum Revolution

Fecha de lanzamiento: 09 de agosto del año 2024. 

Lyrics Unpopular - Skillet

Am I the only one who ain't come undone?

Everybody's lost their dang minds

When you check your feed, it's like clown TV

And you're waiting for the punchline

Oh, my my, hey, yeah

Guess I'm a loner in the crowd

Oh, my my, hey, yeah

Guess I'm the one you've been talkin' about

Guess I'm the one you've been talkin' about

Unpopular, unpopular

Call me outclassed, outcast, simple man, true facts

Have you heard? I'm a commoner

Got my family, sanity, everything I need

If freedom is disease

Who would ever want to be

Popular? For what it's worth

I think today's a good day to be unpopular

I won't apologize when I speak my mind

I'm just being me, so lay off

If thinking for myself is called raising Hell

I guess that I'm an outlaw

Oh, my my, hey, yeah

I ain't a loner in the crowd

Oh, my my, hey, yeah

Guess we about to be getting loud

Guess we about to be getting loud

Unpopular, unpopular

Call me outclassed, outcast, simple man, true facts

Have you heard? I'm a commoner

Got my family, sanity, everything I need

If freedom is disease

Who would ever want to be

Popular? For what it's worth

I think today's a good day to be unpopular

To be unpopular

Guess I'm the one you've been talkin' 'bout (Talkin' 'bout)

Guess I'm the one you've been talkin' 'bout (Talkin' 'bout)

Guess I'm the one you've been talkin' 'bout (Talkin' 'bout)

I guess I am the one


Unpopular, unpopular

Call me outclassed, outcast, simple man, true facts

Have you heard? I'm a commoner

Got my family, sanity, everything I need

If freedom is disease

Who would ever want to be

Popular? For what it's worth

I think today's a good day to be unpopular

To be unpopular

Unpopular lyrics
Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Sé el primero en compartilo en las redes sociales


Letras de canciones más destacadas de Skillet

All That Matters
I don't wanna start a fight I always try to do what's right So put your weapons down We can work it out Don't get me wrong I ain't no pacifist For peace, gotta pay a price And I'll defend what is mine Fight for what I love Help me God...

Am I the only one who ain't come undone? Everybody's lost their dang minds When you check your feed, it's like clown TV And you're waiting for the punchline Oh, my my, hey, yeah Guess I'm a loner in the crowd Oh, my my, hey, yeah Guess I'm the one...

Ver todas las letras de canciones de Skillet

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La letra de la canción "Unpopular - Skillet" es propiedad de su respectivo autor, está publicada en LETRASBOOM.COM con fines meramente informativos y promocionales para cada artista. Nosotros no alojamos la canción "Unpopular" del artista "Skillet" en formato mp3. Tenemos disponible la letra con el video enlazado desde la plataforma Youtube.com y Solo te proporcionaremos información relevante como la letra y el vídeo musical para que puedas escuchar y aprenderte la letra del tema del cantante "Skillet" llamada "Unpopular".