
TWO HI (WAVES) - JasonMartin


"TWO HI (WAVES)" es una canción interpretada por JasonMartin, Channel Tres, Free Nationals y George Clinton. 

Lyrics TWO HI (WAVES) - JasonMartin ft. Channel Tres, Free Nationals, George Clinton

Less talking, more motion (Waves)

We sailing, the world's our ocean (Waves)

They searching, web surfing just to ride our (Wave)

'Cause we too fly, 'cause we too high (Wave)

Waves, waves (Wave)

Shit, I was thinking to myself: a nigga paid a lot

I used to stay looking for work, sleep in a car parking lot

You know I'm worth more than that

The Dior suitcase put Compton on the map

Cops patrolling, shit's so potent

You know I'm holding that, mmm

They talking, talking, talking, ain't talking 'bout shit

C-walkin', walkin', walkin' above the ocean

I don't know, I'm getting pulled by the current

Don't see nothing when I pull back the curtain

Less talking, more motion (Waves)

We sailing, the world's our ocean (Waves)

They searching, web surfing just to ride our (Wave)

'Cause we too fly, 'cause we too high (Wave)

Waves, waves (Wave)

The drugs had me talking to myself (Talking to myself)

Lift my eyes to the hills, which come my help (Help, help, help, help, help)

Don't be stressing, boy, your blessing's on the way

'Cause you can fly today, ride the wave

Females, y'all think y'all slick

Manizers, desires to be rich

I've seen some things, I know the games

Raised in a home with nine siblings, all sisters, no misters, mayne

Now this the thang

I won't be played by no dame

You fuckin' with me then you feel the same

'Cause everything else is obviously lame

Less talking, more motion (Waves)

We sailing, the world's our ocean (Waves)

They searching, web surfing just to ride our (Wave)

'Cause we too fly, 'cause we too high (Wave)

Waves, waves (Wave)

The drugs had me talking to myself (Talking to myself)

Lift my eyes to the hills, which come my help (Help, help, help, help, help)

Don't be stressing, boy, your blessing's on the way

'Cause you can fly today, ride the wave

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
TWO HI (WAVES) lyrics

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'TWO HI (WAVES)' de JasonMartin, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de JasonMartin!