
Trouble - One Direction


"Trouble" es una canción interpretada por One Direction y Harry Styles. 

Lyrics Trouble - One Direction ft. Harry Styles

Listen to the song I wrote

And all these notes I put them there for you

I still taste the time we kissed

Upon my lips, swimming in the blue

It never snows in Hollywood

But when we sang it showed us that it could

I carried you across the way

And you showed me that thirteen can be good

You flipped me upside down

We’re both laying on the ground

And I don’t even know you

But I feel like I do sometimes

Looking in your eyes

When I see that smile there’s trouble

So turn around

And I'll hold my hands up

You know i’m trouble

I’m trouble with you

If I could have a hundred things

Not one of them could compare to you

And we could take this anywhere

Cause were we’re going

We don’t need no shoes

You flip me upside down

We’re both laying on the ground

And I don’t even know you

But I feel like I do sometimes

Looking in your eyes

When I see the smile there’s trouble

So turn around

And I'll hold my hands up

You know i’m trouble

And you know that i’ll be gone in the morning

And I hope that you'll think of me like

I think of you all the time

Looking in your eyes when I see that smile there’s trouble

So turn around

And I'll hold my hands up

You know i’m trouble

(You know i’m trouble)

But I feel like I do sometimes

Looking in your eyes when I see that smile (See that smile)

There’s trouble

So turn around

And I'll hold my hands up

You know i’m trouble

I’m trouble with you

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey

Trouble lyrics


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One Direction


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La letra de la canción "Trouble - One Direction" es propiedad de su respectivo autor, está publicada en LETRASBOOM.COM con fines meramente informativos y promocionales para cada artista. Nosotros no alojamos la canción "Trouble" del artista "One Direction" en formato mp3. Tenemos disponible la letra con el video enlazado desde la plataforma Youtube.com y Solo te proporcionaremos información relevante como la letra y el vídeo musical para que puedas escuchar y aprenderte la letra del tema del cantante "One Direction" llamada "Trouble".