Lyrics Thief, You’ve Taken All That Was Me - Weezer
Thief, of silent dreams
Of golden scenes
Stole away
All that was in me
It wasn't me
Who slipped away
Now I stand with skin and bones
Without a dime to call my home
Only a voice to tell you, thief
You've taken all that was me
Rain, it laughed so hard
It cried on me
You rain on me
Cleanse, cleanse my soul
The soul to be
I need to be
Now I stand with skin and bones
Without a dime to call my home
Only a voice to scream at you
Now I stand with skin and bones
Without a dime to call my home
Only a voice to scream at you
Thief, you've taken all that was me
You've taken all that was me
You've taken all that was me
You've taken all that was me, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah
Now I stand with skin and bones
Without a dime to call my home
Only a voice to scream at you
Thief, you've taken all that was me
You've taken all that was me
You've taken all that was me
You've taken all that was me
(All that was me) Why me
(All that was me) Woah, oh oh
Taken me (All that was me)
You've taken, you've taken
You've taken, take-take-take-take-take-take-taken
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